Scion had no idea what Dennis had intended to do, but was glad to be holding onto the post when he felt himself being pulled forward as a portal suddenly appeared before him. The effect of the cold vacuum was instantaneous, as super heated air and steam began rushing through the portal and igniting the many pools of oxygen upon the frozen surface. His glimpse inside was brief, but Scion recognized the homeworld of Harry and sincerely hoped the boy wasn't out and about during this. The kid had a nasty habit of wandering into strange coincidences. However, before he could begin reminiscing, the portal closed and the park was returned to a semi normal state. The place was still burnt and melted all over. The vibrant colors and greenery had all been reduced to shades of grey. The most colorful thing left in the entire park was the ever enthusiastic DJ station, casting an eerie red glow across the landscape while playing an electrifying guitar solo. Water was also slowly returning to the depleted pools and slides as simple machines, intended to maintain the water level, pumped water back into the park oblivious to its state of disrepair. [color=f26522]"God things really went to hell here?"[/color] Scion mutters as he takes a moment to release his impromptu anchor and uses it to pull himself to his feet. He was considerably calmer now and was able to take a moment to properly investigate his surroundings and plan his next move. The down side was his speed and perception had dropped considerably in response. he hadn't the foggiest clue as to why Skallagrim hadn't made a single move on him since his reappearance. He felt like he should be happy for this reprieve, but was instead wary of Skallagrim's glowing sword, and the tendril of darkness that were wrapped around little balls of fire. He could also see the force tonfa a few feet in front of Skallagrim, where he had dropped it, and was even able to spot the glint of his switch blade a few feet closer than that. Both so close, yet so far out of reach, with Skallagrim's imposing figure stood before them. [color=f26522]"Dennis. You have any ideas?"[/color] Scion hazards to ask, his voice having a considerable rasp to it. His vocal cords having not escaped being burnt by the boiling water he had inhaled. [color=6ecff6]"Yes. Six seconds. On Screen."[/color] Dennis replies, in short quick bursts. Scion is confused by this reply, but does as asked and raises his right arm, glancing for a second at his right wrist as he does so. On the watch screen, an image a man on top of a storm cloud appears, hovering over the figure of a Skeleton, with a bolt of electricity arching towards it. The meaning was simple enough that Scion didn't have to draw too many parallels to get what Dennis planned to do. He continues raising his arm and in the same motion grips the top of his staff, another click sounds, and he pulls the staff away from his back. The need for secrecy had arisen from, Scion and Dennis noticing Skallagrim's hyper observant nature. His ability to anticipate and counter their actions, when they were executed in fractions of a second, had left no doubt about his ability. Scion just hoped that their most recent plan would finally catch the bastard by surprise. Scion wields the staff in both hands, and immediately begins spinning it while slowly advancing towards Skallagrim. He once again favors his right side, but allows a slight angle toward his front. He doesn't allow himself to step any closer than six feet until dashing to his right, and begin rapidly circling around Skallagrim. As he circles, Scion channels energy into amplifying his arm strength. Skallagrim had wielded his sword in one arm so far, and he knew he would have a slight advantage wielding the staff in both hands, the added strength would allow him to more easily block and parry Skallagrim's blows. The spinning was adding speed to the staff to increase the force of impact. It was also doubling as a deterrent towards thrust attacks that could be easily deflected by the spin. The the five foot staff having actual reach, would also help him to more easily counter sword swings if Skallagrim was to try to to step forward and slash at him. The only thing he wasn't sure of the capabilities of, was the glowing balls of plasma wielded by the darkness surrounding the dagger. He decides the best course of action would be to simply widen his circle and retreat if Skallagrim chose to wield them instead. The added range would hopefully help to evade any potential attacks. He didn't need to hit Skallagrim right now as much as he needed to stall. He was going to need to wait for the perfect opportunity for Dennis' plan to succeed. He only needed now to wait for Skallagrim to make his move.