Just as the smell of the blessed roast boar from the feast was starting to reach her nostrils, a voice blurted out "Excuse me, milady, but where did you get that blade?" A meal was so close, and yet, now so far... Her eyes closed a moment in annoyance. "You call me [b]Sir[/b], [i]not[/i] Lady," she growled and turned toward the voice only to see young Kay's eager face nearly matching her height. He was a little pink around the nose, and his eyes were shiny with excitement and ale. "Oh- Sir Ector's son. I was looking for you." she said, watching to see his facial expressions. Her body language relaxed a little bit. "I wanted to congratulate you on your placement in the ranks today. Splendid job, breaking more lances than the King. I wonder how you'll fair should you ride against King Mordred directly? Most would raise their lance in forfeit, for fear of the treason of harming the king. Others give him some sport... I hope luck will be on your side, lad."