[@smarty0114] [h3][color=MediumSeaGreen] Maxwell DeClairmont [/color][/h3] [color=slategray]"How'd you know? Are you a telepath or something?"[/color] The girl had said, he looked at her with a grin to her as she asked him another prying question [color=slategray]"So do you come here often? This is my first time here myself."[/color] This girl apparently was a very social person indeed, it was no new fact that people like her could easily charm other men, but he wouldn't falter. Besides she already confirmed the person who probably sent her was a single guy sitting alone in the general area where she came. In response to her question, he gave her a innocent half-truth [color=mediumseagreen]"No, I dont but I was told to come here and wait for them but I guess what happened earlier today must of canceled their plans. Honestly, thats a bummer but least I got you here now, so let me ask you some questions too? Might as well spend our time here together since we got nothing else better to do."[/color] He said to her with a smile and tilted his head a little bit innocently, [color=MediumSeaGreen]"So lets introduce ourselves my name is Max, yours?"[/color] Meanwhile at the corner of his vision was looking at the tables to the side looking for one with a lone guy, eventually finding one who was staring at them when he stood up and probably went to the bar. It was for a moment but Maxwell guessed he will have to follow the other guy latter, for now to keep off heat.