Zoinks, alrighty then I'll just make my family history with them deeper them then, off to the editing lounge! >DONE!!!!< [hider=Master][img]http://safebooru.org/images/533/d20b4f90d8f3ecdec3213e6b5054ff280642b2b5.png?536046[/img] Name: Jonathan Clairmont Age: 18 Gender: Male Personality: Jonathan is a lucid person with little to worry as he is always protected within the confines of his headphones beating into his ears. It keeps him eerily calm at all times which may be a good or bad thing but he doesn't really care much. While having a seemingly lucid personality underneath he's a calculative person who likes to plan things out in his head preferring to take his time if he can or making it on the go. His unseemly appearance makes it strange for any person to think that Jonathan would able to honestly form a strategy instead of not being able to focus on anything. Despite being a strategist he doesn't mind getting his hand dirty despite his limited skill in martial arts and usage of the strangest of weapons that he finds interesting. Skills: Jonathan is a person who has a strange preference for his training as he has limited skill in martial arts generally using it to defend himself. Having a strange skillset of being able to use Black Keys as his primary weapon if he ever chooses so, he has no problem in using the keys despite their strange form. Being able to restrain spiritual bodies like Servants to a certain point and other spiritual bodies without much difficulty. Being able to hold 3 at a time on both hands with little difficulty. While not being part of the member of the church he has a weird tenacity and ability to properly uses these Keys as his own weapon after prolong interest and practice with them. Abilities: Jonathan's elemental affinity is wind while controlling a high amount of magical circuits. While he controls a large amount of circuit he specializes in using objects as a medium for his spells. His general mediums being the Black Keys, he stores magical energies in them to provide short, weak temporary effects on his opponents when tossed at them as upon contact activates its effects upon contact. He is also capable of creating temporary creating Bounded Fields of varying types by using his Black Keys as a medium to help the process, but they are easily disturbed if these keys are removed being its key weakness. On the other hand, he is still capable of producing bounded field without keys it just takes more time and concentration to do so. His abilities to produce bounded fields are not only specific in a large area, he is capable of doing it to single objects like his Black Keys if he wished to and had time. Outside his magical abilities with his keys, the variety of his spells outside of them are generally ones to support himself or others while lacking in many offensive spells with an exception of one here or there generally Brief Backstory: Coming from a relatively unknown family of the Clairmonts, being a relative new one coming in the recent years. Those who do know the Clairmonts are from the church most of the time who ask for the help of the family for the creation of Bounded Fields as Magus who practice them lack the natural skill and experience that they have. It is also said that the 1st generation of the Clairmonts was an Executor skilled in the creation of Bounded Fields and cemented the business that they have with the Church. Jonathan who is the 4th Generation of the family which specializes in Bounded Fields like his family, had their family's crest that have stored all their many types of fields for future generations like Jonathan to use effectively. Being considered the one who has the most potential in the family who will past even the teachings of his family, it is already shown as he was able to create Bounded Fields with mediums at a early age and regular Fields soon after. Training with his family for quite awhile, he learned much and even developed several new unique barriers. His training consisted often on the creation of barriers on items and buildings before having to take them down and sometimes break other barriers set up as obstacles for him. Soon after being well trained in the art, was soon helping out with the church in smaller things helping the creations of the fields around abandoned places that the church wanted to keep an eye on. Their family was basically supplying things to the other smaller churches around them with Black Keys and other small tasks that they were able to perform. However, Jonathan took interested in the Black Keys that their family were always sending out to other church locations and began using them in interesting ways. Developing a style of creating barriers using these sacraments having interesting effects when doing so. While his family didn't like that he was using the belongings of the church, they were nevertheless impressed that he could use something so strange like the Keys Incorporated into their barriers. However training was becoming routine as his family soon transfer him to the Clock Tower to increase his experience overall skill in magecraft. It wasn't long his family thought that it was not often when a group of magus focused in just bounded fields and when they heard of the new Holy Grail Wars, they instantly wished to see Jonathan despite his wishes to join.[/hider]