[b][@Morte Angelis][/b] Roderick drew in a deep breath of the park air, trying to keep his wits about him as he headed forward with long strides. He had decided that hence forth, he'd be following wherever his instincts lead him and his instincts nearly lead him into a tree--quickly dodged and averted. The problem with being a warlock was often the fact that he didn't know how to use most of his powers, though he was still considerably young, the man had never had much patience. He didn't like the random happenings, he didn't like the way the leaves near him seemed to be swept in some invisible breeze and rustled along behind him. He didn't like that he didn't know, that was the worst thing, not knowing. What use was a warlock who hadn't mastered his powers? If he was a better warlock, perhaps he could have done a tracking spell of some sort and found this lucky participant lickity split but since he was not a better warlock, he ended up wandering aimlessly. Each person he passed was saved a glance at their wrist but no one was glowing and nobody felt right. He passed a few people that glanced at him with something like understanding and he nearly became so frustrated that he snapped at them but he managed to keep it under wraps as he walked. The trees became more dense in this part of the park, the grass became thicker underfoot and more lush, it was much greener and he felt much more frustrated. Kicking a rock sharply, he watched it skitter across the ground and bounce off a tree. Begrudgingly he complimented himself on his rock soccer skills and nearly groaned out loud because there was seemingly no one there to cheer him on. [i]Where were they?[/i] The warlock had never had any patience and the squawking birds over head were giving him a bit of a headache, trying to ignore them, he changed focus to his surroundings. [i]Trees, trees, wow trees. Who is that? Oh wait! That's a tree.[/i] Tearing the gloves off, he shoved them in his pocket and glanced at the glowing mark anxiously, it was practically on fire at this point and he shot his glance from side to side. What [i]was[/i] this? [i]Was his soulmate a tree? Was he going to be taking a nice oak home to his parents today? Perhaps a pine tree! That would be great! His mother always told him to respect a sturdy pine tree, he'd treat it to dinner, he'd buy it a hat, he'd-[/i] [b]Oh.[/b] His gaze sought out the shape of another living being within the cover of the trees and he glanced at the beaming mark and back towards the humanoid shape. He'd forgotten to put back on the concealing gloves but he was walking towards them, trying not to startle them in the dappled forest light. He wasn't quiet by any means, his trudging footsteps unmistakable in the grassy terrain.