Cole was in the midst of pouring himself another glass when he noticed out of the corner of his eye the guy from the alleyway making his way to the door. Cole rushed out of his booth and managed to get himself between Tali and the door. [color=ed1c24][b]"Can't let you go out there man, the street aren't safe right now. Besides you ain't in the best shape to be movin' around"[/b][/color], Cole rested a hand on Tali's shoulder and with his free hand gestured for him to sit back in his booth. Car-tali brushed the hand from his shoulder and sat down. "OK what is there to talk about?". Cole sat on the other side of the booth, this guy may be a Gifted but that didn't mean he was friendly. Pouring himself and Car-tali a glass of Grey Goose he gave him a quick look over before speaking, [color=ed1c24][b]"Well for one, we can talk about why you're in such a hurry to get out of here. We brought you to safety, I brought you to safety, and we got you bandaged up. So what's the rush? Afriad the hunters gunna blast in here? That's tomorrow, tonight they clear the streets"[/b][/color]. Cole took a sip from his drink and glanced around the bar. He was confident he wasn't in danger at the moment but you don't live long as a Gifted if you aren't cautious. That's when he noticed him. A kid, maybe seventeen or eighteen, sitting by the counter. He hadn't seen him at Lacie's before and he was talking to a regular but he didn't know the girl's name. The guy could be just a Gifted here for cover but Cole couldn't be sure. The hunters took all kinds and teens weren't out of the question for them. The atmosphere began somewhat more tense for Cole. To add to it he also noticed another new face, a girl accompanied by two bulky guys. All of them were in civilian clothes so it was possible she was a DMA agent and they were her backup. [color=ed1c24][i]"Looks like this place ain't as secure as I thought"[/i][/color], Cole thought to himself as he took another sip from his glass. Car-tali looked thoughtfully at Cole trying to piece together what this guy was thinking. "First off I don't drink, I always like to keep my head clear. Second I don't even know your name, and third thanks for saving me really appreciate it but at the time I wasn't thinking clearly", Car-tali saw that the man had been scanning the room, cautious and protective perhaps? "I also know what the DMA do. Now you have been scanning the room which could mean one of two things. Your looking to see if your backup is here or if you are suspicious of the people in your Oh so secure establishment. So tell me which is it." Upon hearing that Car-tali didn't drink Cole moved the glass back over to his side. [color=ec1c24][i]"Whatever suits you..."[/i][/color], he thought as he listened on to what Car-tali was saying. Cole listened on silently but when Car-tali was finished he didn't speak, at least not immediately. Cole finished off his glass before speaking very calmly so as not to startle the guy, [color=ed1c24][b]"Name's Cole, and your welcome. Nice deduction, not the best I've seen but pretty good. You ex-MRF? I'd assume the only way you'd know about DMA tactics is if you've been fightin' them or you're one of them. But seeing as you got shot up earlier today I'd go with the former"[/b][/color]. Cole took another look around the room, it didn't look like anyone was making any movs towards him so he was good for now. Car-tali thought of how Cole spoke. Car-tali using his powers was able see that Cole wanted no quarral so he was releaved at that point. The vodka however may be counteracting the effects of his pheromones so he still had to be careful. "The MRF and I aren't at the best of terms of late. So I might as well come clean with you I'm an ex DMA specialist, some of the details are lost to me but I seemed pretty important when I escaped. Now as to deductive capabilities, during that brief moment I saw you in the car your veins were black. So while we're on the topic of the past that seemed interesting to me and I want to know what that was about". Car-tali had hoped he had not gone too far this time and if so he was prepared for what came after. Cole took another sip from what would have been Car-tali's drink. This time he kept his gaze on his conversation partner. [color=ed1c24][b]"Ex-DMA. You got a lot of nerves walking in here. But the fact you came out with it, albeit after some prying, tells me you ain't a danger...yet. Even so,I can't let you stay here, not with all these people here. You're going to have to leave. This i'snt over though, come back tomorrow and we'll talk more and figure things out. You got a place? I'll drive you there"[/b][/color], Cole hadn't realized it but that whole time his veins had turned black. [color=ed1c24][/i]"Shit. Hopefully no one saw that"[/i][/color], he thought as he got up and out of his booth. Car-tali saw Cole's veins turn black confirming his suspicions. Car-tali also confirmed that since Cole isn't affiliated with the DMA or the MRF then those worries were dealt with, still it was to soon to say if he was a friend. "My name is Car-tali, and i'm only giving you this info so we're on mutual terms". [color=ed1c24][b]"Fine by me, anyway let's go. I'd rather get to where we're going and back without dealing with the DMA"[/b][/color], Cole exited the bar and walked over to his car making sure there weren't any suspicious characters watching him enter. Last time he checked the people he eyed back inside were where he left them. Speaking of being left behind, Cole remembered the bottle of vodka he left on the table. [color=ed1c24][i]"No way I'm letting it go to waste. Might as well pay the tab while I'm still here"[/i][/color], Cole thought as he walked past Car-tali and back into the bar. Grabbing his bottle he turned towards the door but figured a shot before the road wouldn't hurt. Cole headed over to the counter and reached over the counter for a shot glass. [color=ed1c24][i]"One shot, then I pay"[/i][/color].