The Collective stumbled into Davenport, moving its bare feet slowly but deliberately, as though it was having trouble remembering how to walk. Though the block it entered was relatively untouched by the previous battle against Zelan, it was obvious that something was wrong with the city; the streets were unusually free of traffic and the pedestrians were few in number for such a large city. A handful of passerbys stopped to stare at The Collective as it shambled down the street, its snow white hair blowing in a gentle breeze. It opened its mouth and a smooth bass voice slithered out, far too deep to be coming from a young woman's lips. [color=FF4500]"The wind brings me the fetid stench of mankind. But joy, for now I feast!"[/color] A middle-aged man nearby screamed as The Collective's arm shot forward, extending by several feet to grab him by the head. The arm rapidly morphed into a thick monstrous appendage, its clenched fist sporting three large clawed fingers. With a gesture the man's head was crushed with ease. [color=CD5C5C]"Hahahaha! Now they're scared! Reeeaallll scared!"[/color] A womanly alto voice sprang from The Collective's mouth, one that matched its appearance much more closely. As it said, the people on the street panicked at the sight of the murder and began to flee the streets. The Collective turned to the building at its left, unhinging its jaw and opening its mouth wide, as a snake would. A thick ball of lime green goo shot from its throat at a breakneck speed, splattering on the side of the building. Immediately smoke began to rise from the goo, and several seconds later it burst into flame that quickly spread throughout the structure. Taking a few steps forward, The Collective gazed at the civilians who were retreating as quick as they could. The deep voice returned as a wide grin twisted across its face. [color=FF4500]"Indeed, Ivory. Hear me, you sightless sheep! Let me glut myself on your pain! Let me kindle my rage on your broken souls!"[/color]