[img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjY2LmZmODkxZi5VMlYwYUNCQmJtUmxjbk52YmcsLC4w/fantaisieartistique.medium.png[/img] Tagged; [@PhoebeCarlisle] - Theo, [@Sir Avita] - Wendel, [@smarty0114] - Finn, [@TheDarkTemplar] - Cole, Patrons at the bar. With Seth resting his arms on the counter, a strand of his slicked hair fell on his face which he nonchalantly tried to blow upwards. The bar smelled like all other bars, except that this particular one felt more homey than the others. The chubby kid- who Seth questioned as being allowed to be in this bar, but it wasn't his place. He seemingly cleaned himself up before going to Seth and asking for booze when he was clearly under-aged, though before he could reply the kid left. With a nonchalant shrug he looked on with a bored face. The teen he had saved suddenly approached him- thanking him and then innocently asking what a bar is, garnering the attention of some patrons from the rather silly question. Seth glared daggers at them before placing softening his gaze and placing it on the teenager. [color=#FF8000]"Lift your head. it's alright."[/color] he said, looking down at her lowered head, after patting her head [color=#FF8000]"Hm, well a bar- I guess it's a place where people let go of their worries and drink?"[/color] he continued, placing his hands on his chin- pondering the rather odd question. [color=#FF8000]"Though, I think Cole would answer better than me."[/color] he mentioned, motioning his free hand towards Cole who was pouring himself a drink behind the counter, [color=#FF8000]"Heeey~ Cole, only bartenders, you know what Lacie says."[/color] Seth had noticed the rather odd individual who entered, no contacts- one could tell that he was a gifted, [i][color=#FF8000]Great way to get caught by the government these days[/color][/i] Seth thought to himself. Getting up and pouring whiskey on a small shot glass he walked over to where the chubby kid was sitting- apparently talking to a girl. He placed the shot infront of said kid, and with a finger on his lips and after a 'shh', [color=#FF8000]"Don't tell Lacie."[/color] he whispered. As soon as he returned to the counter, another patron who visited frequently approached- underage but Seth didn't mind, he approached and asked for a Dr. Pepper. [color=#FF8000]"Sure."[/color] he replied, talking the glass and slowly refilling it, [color=#FF8000]"So how's it going Finn? Oh and don't worry you'll be allowed to drink after a few more years."[/color]