Adorable. Rhea couldn't suppress the thought as the fellow awkward teen filled the gaps between her fingers. Oh, well, it was a start-- a [i]good[/i] start and, while the act was seemingly much too intimate for newly formed friendships, Rhea couldn't negate much less retort when it secretly felt [i]so[/i] good to have somebody else's warmth beside her. [color=aba000]"You're welcome."[/color] The healer replied with a gentle voice, holding up their linked hands, as if emphasizing a point. [color=aba000]"Whenever ye feel alone, just know dat if ye extend yer hands, someone will always hold it-- in brightest day, in darkest night. Just like this."[/color] Rhea squeezed his hand tighter, assuring the confused lad that she was there for him. Thus, with his permission, Rhea set to work on healing his most recent wounds and, while her mouth quivered upon seeing such a renaissance masterpiece of a body, Rhea found it in her to stifle these thoughts and begin the tedious work of regenerating cells. Rhea moved the tray aside as she shuffled closer to Sentinel, using her free hand to first caress the lad's cheek, smiling in the process. [color=aba000]"Ye trust lil'o me, aight?"[/color] As with any normal case, Rhea always began by looking into their eyes, checking for any sight of discomfort. Then, she brought her lips to Sentinel's forehead, lightly pecking on it before pulling back. [color=aba000]"Here we go."[/color] With an exhale, Rhea moved her hand to each of the cuts, inserting fresh and strong cells that began their work of repairing torn tissue, ejecting harmful elements and replenishing lost energy. [color=aba000]"Me ability be quite simple. When I be makin' physical contact, I can give my own cells to the person. In turn, dis cells cater to da person's body type and whatnot. No risk of rejection whatsoever. My cells begin to repair da wounds and whatever ailment there may be. However, dat be not da most important part of't all."[/color] Rhea panted briefly, knowing that her own cells were beginning to get depleted. Still, producing new ones were not hard with her ability. [color=aba000]"Da most important part is da fact that a part of me lives on inside whoever I heal. I become a part of dem and, in dis case, I became a part of you. My wittle cells swimming around yer system... as disgusting as it may sound to some. But, I hope ye understand dat... literally, yer not alone wherever ye go. Lil'o Rhea is always inside ye... of course, until those cells die."[/color] Rhea suddenly clammed her mouth shut, realizing that her information was bordering on repugnance. [color=aba000]"I'm sorry if I grossed ye out. I guess I now understand why nobody really wants me to heal dem."[/color] As she got to work on replacing his damaged cells, Sentinel began telling her his story. He was a human like her; well, he was once a human. So, that counts. Furthermore, he had a rough childhood, alongside a father who made his life all the more difficult. She could now see where he was coming from-- not being able to find the love he needed at home. Still, they had some differences when it came to childhood. Rhea had lived a young life which was on the opposite spectrum of Sentinel. She had a loving family who accepted her for who she was, who she is and who she would be. Rainbows, sunshine and unicorns filled every day of Rhea's childhood... which made the succeeding events almost too much to bear. Some say that life is like a wheel, sometimes you're up, sometime's you're down. Well, Rhea's wheel must have hit a sharp bump because her life went down faster than the apple that fell on Newton's head. However, in the same vein... it brought her enlightenment to the realities of the world-- the crimes that she had been blinded to. Suddenly, Sentinel stopped narrating, apparently asking her whether she would want to continue. [color=aba000]"If ye still be willin' to continue, then I'll never let your hand go. Promise."[/color] Rhea replied as she sent another soft squeeze to his hand. [color=aba000]"Yer scars ar' beautiful, by da way."[/color] Rhea remarked as her hand glided softly across the tantalizing contours of his chest, perhaps, lingering there for far too long than what was normal. A small tint of pink crept up her face before the healer chuckled, focusing on the largest cut on his torso. [color=aba000]"Dis scars show all da trials ye went through and, most importantly, won over. It shows how strong y'are, Sentinel. Yer a strong person, y'know? Oh, and ye damn well know dat I ain't talkin' about no physical strength."[/color] She laughed heartily, looking up to his eyes that reflected cosmos and quasars under this starry, starry night. [color=aba000]"I also have me own scars and I guess ye be seein' them soon. Not all scars ar' on da flesh, y'know?"[/color] The girl realized that she was already talking too much about stuff that she had little experience with and decided that she came here not to tell her own tale but to hear the story of someone more important than she was. [color=aba000] "But, I wud just like to say dat... I'm really happy fer yer trust in me. I know it ain't easy to tell yer story to a woman in bloodstained robes who had carried a tray of earl grey and, to add to that, invaded your privacy. But, know that I am grateful... for everything."[/color] Rhea grinned, exhaling a large amount of air. [color=aba000]"Yer a good person, Sentinel. Dun let anyone be tellin' ya otherwise." [/color]