[right][sup][color=cf9a9a][h3][b]Daro'Shuris nar Konesh[/b][/h3][/color][/sup][/right] On the Flotilla, 'Can you please stand behind me?' was unofficial code for another Quarian to check the integrity of one's seals, to ensure the ports weren't accidentally left open after going without an envirosuit as well as to ascertain whether one's cloth layer was worn back to front or not. Naturally Daro followed the order quickly, even without the [i]please[/i], though it made her move a little quicker. She barely managed a shrug and a nod at the explosives expert, too preoccupied with whatever it was Raya needed of her. Of course it was a medical emergency, not one that could've been caused by a Vorcha assailant at all. From behind the comfortable guise of her mask, Daro shot a suspicious glance at Ardan before turning back to the jagged wound interrupting the smooth line of the Asari's suit. [color=cf9a9a][b]"Oh – you've got a bit of, ah, Vorcha guts here. Should clean that off before it spreads disease... And I've I heard there's humans using it as a [i]drain-cleaner[/i] it's so acidic..."[/b][/color] Daro was honestly surprised she managed to keep her voice level as she pressed a finger to the base of the Asari's spine to inspect the damage, omnitool buzzing as if it had a mind of its own (which of course it didn't because AIs were [i]bad[/i]). It was messy. Daro guessed that her teammate wished to keep the injury a secret and was holding in just how much it hurt. The concept of "suffering in silence" appeared near universal, it seemed, and soldiers of all walks of life like to do it. Much, much quieter, no more than a faint whisper over the comms, she added, [color=cf9a9a][b][sub]"Bosh'tets and their bombs..."[/sub][/b][/color] Asari weren't entirely different from Quarians when it came to basic biology. It made it easier, certainly, for Daro to reach closer and know she wasn't going to damage anything vital like a heart or a spleen. A grimace of apology that nobody could see staining her face, she activated one of her tools, one of the optional [i]medical[/i] sort that bogged down her device when it was running: the pick. It hit something solid, metal. Was that something lodged in there? A part of the armor? [color=cf9a9a][b]"If you stay [i]very[/i] still I can remove it while you're standing up,"[/b][/color] Daro said after a click, switching comm channels to a private one. It was a good thing she was a [i]Quarian[/i] doctor rather than any other species, because if anyone was talented in dislodging foreign objects from one's body while suited up and sitting down, it was someone who wore a damn envirosuit all the time. Bullets had to be taken out [i]then[/i] and [i]there[/i], and for something so simple (no matter how few inches it was away from Raya's spine), Daro could do it in her sleep. (Well, [i]in[/i] her sleep she usually failed and her patient died, but that was neither here nor there.) Ah, a Krogan was approaching. That would make a welcome distraction. Daro changed the setting to forceps and dragged the metal out without nicking a single essential organ – only soft tissue. And if there was [i]one[/i] thing medigel was good at, it was repairing tissue. It was only after when the shard of metal was lodged firmly in her hand did Daro realise that she hadn't used anything numbing. Of course, it would likely have a paralytic, can't-walk effect, so perhaps it was for the best. Just a dose of medigel, then, straight from her own suit since Raya's didn't seem to be wired up properly... [indent][b]Medical Interface: 30% – Resupply Suggested[/b][/indent] It was for a worthy cause. [color=cf9a9a][b]"There, good as new,"[/b][/color] she said, and reconnected to the main channel. It was probably bad practice to be dropping out so often, and secrets were [i]bad[/i], Daro knew that, but she couldn't help it. Daro wiped her hands, sprinkled with purple blood, on the back of her envirosuit – the metal part, not the lace, though that too held its fair share of Vorcha insides. She dropped the bit of metal, kicking it back into the darkness. She'd missed most of the entire interaction with the Krogan, only enough to know when to force her legs to move and follow as battle started again. To the group, she asked, [color=cf9a9a][b]"Anyone else feel that the target's almost [i]too[/i] big?"[/b][/color]