After awhile of lingering in the back Zarr believed the souls of all the casualties should be reaped by now. He floated back to the roof of the cemetery building at a somewhat slow pace. It didn't matter if anyone sees him flying a good number of the people who attend the funerals were meta human anyways. Zarr grasped his scythe sheathing it onto his back. He looked back into the crowds of people noticing one of the heroes exiting the scene. Zarr was thinking about following her but then that'd make him some sort of a stalker and being death isn't a great excuse to stalk someone. The hero is still mourning the lost of her friend so Zarr decided not to follow her. Well his decision changed quickly when he realized something. What if the thing responsible for one of the heroes death comes after her. Zarr wasn't present at the fight to know what really happened so he had to just go with his hypothesis and believe the young hero might be targeted. Since he was guessing and it might not be true he was gonna keep his distance while he followed the young hero. Zarr flew in the direction Cinia went making sure to hide his presences. The last thing he needs is for the hero to be asking questions. Zarr oddly followed the young hero for awhile. He was beginning to turn around and head back until he noticed her speed in movement increasing. Before he could catch back up with her she had already changed into her costume. "What was that...?" Zarr asked himself as he caught a quick glimpse of what Cinia was chasing. He sped up and tried his best to keep his distance as Cinia chased the mysterious creature. Soon Zarr came upon a warehouse and the young hero disappeared. Instantly he heard sounds of....chickens....was he going insane. No! Again he heard chickens. Zarr ignored the clucks and slowly floated to a window of the warehouse to spectate what was going on. When he reached the window Zarr saw the young hero cornered by mountain lions. They're just mere animals how was it hard for a superhero to defeat a couple of lions. Well it didn't matter she was in danger and as a protector of mankind he had to step in. Zarr calmly levitated over to Cinia descending in front of her. "Bad! Stop! Why aren't you in the mountain biome anyways?!" Shouted Zarr as he swung his scythe sending heavy pressures of wind in the mountain lions direction.