"Mm, its possible but I didn't actively look, myself." Kabal replied bluntly, crossing either arm over his chest as he thought of any other alternatives he could come up with himself. Of course, the idea of getting their mother involved was always an option but making her fight their battles was starting to get old; she may not look it, but even with her small stature she had worked hard to bring them up properly in this place. What kind of family would they be if they always get her involved in danger? "Hey, new guy. They always mention the drop locations to new inmates for that night. You remember them at all?" he turned to Elijah, a slim chance guiding his tongue, just prior to a loud banging emanated from the makeshift wall that blocked entry into their hideaway. The same banging as always, their mother returning from her walk. Small flecks of blood scattered across one cheek, no more than two droplets also staining the collar of her large coat that barely protected any passer-by from being flashed by her pre-pubescent chest. "Ah, shit. Mom's back." Kabal sighed aloud, almost face-palming once he realised that she'd probably not be too ecstatic about not having any food for their evening. Of course, they had a small assortment for when things got rough in storage somewhere else but the good stuff was always in the new drops. The banging had also coincidentally woken Jackie from her all-too-short nap, her brow furrowing slightly at the disturbance.