[b]Username:[/b] [b]Name: Masatake Kuro[/b] [b]Age: 20[/b] [b]Gender: Male[/b] [b]Crystal Color: gold yellow[/b] [b]Allegiance: House Alicornia[/b] [b]Rank: N/A[/b] [b]Skills: Is a man with a silver tounge and has a good way of influencing others to his way of thinking. He is also a smart mouth and doesn't scare easily he will always make a sarcastic comment to lower the tension which makes torturing him difficult to say the least[/b] [b]Abilities: Lightning based magic and is able to summon a lightning hawk as his familiar. As a member of house Alicornia he is also able to wield advanced illusion spells which give him a way of stopping a fight before it starts by making himself look more threatening then he really is [/b] [b]Weapons: a Scythe that has a switch which can compact his blade to make it into a staff and vice versa for quick movements[/b] [b]Appearance: [url]http://cdn.pimpmyspace.org/media/pms/c/bj/js/s8/_bishie_xd.jpg[/url] no wings but the picture is the same[/b] [b]Personality: Easiest way to describe Masatake is by calling him two face. He is usually a smart mouthed with sarcastic comments all the time to lighten the mood in a dark situation and is very persuasive when he wants to be. The flip side is when he gets into a fight and gets angry he uses his illusion spells to make himself look like a monster as he is getting mad to help bring fear into his enemies before the battle really starts. Masatake joined this house because he believed in their message about being vigilantes that fight for good when nobody else will so Masatake doesn't tolerate senseless violence and will get out of his way to make sure that innocents aren't caught in the crossfire.[/b] [b]History: Masatake was just a normal child and he lived as he was in a normal home but he kept feeling like something was missing from his life like a purpose or a cause. Masatake didn't discover his magical abilities until one fateful day when some thugs from House Gryphes tried to hurt some people at least that was how Masatake saw it but he was young at the time and he couldn't tell but he didn't know what to do at that moment so he tried to figure out some way to help those people. Soon Masatake remembered that a long time ago his father once helped a member of the Alcornia house long ago and was reward with a empty crystal obviously his father had no magical powers so it remained a blank crystal and decided to pass it down as an heirloom to his son Masatake now has that crystal in his pocket and he realized that if he had the magical powers his father didn't then he would be able to help those people when Masatake took it out of his pocket it then changed color to its gold huge so it meant that Masatake did have power at his disposal so he used his crystal and attacked one of the thugs without his notice doing the same thing to the other two until they were all down. Masatake left without a word deciding it was best that he wasn't found out by the thugs bosses anytime soon. Later Masatake was found by a member of his current house and the rest is history. Masatake doesn't like to go into details about his family since he hasn't really talked to them since he joined since what was one to say about being a member of a magic family but he does make sure to send them money when they are in need of it and if needed he will try to help them avoid anyone from the house of Gryphes [/b] [b]Other: wears a gold necklace with an angel on it [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmMoR8mR9t0[/url] [/b]