[color=007236]"Stay close Deino"[/color] Obviously Albert was having trouble keeping the Deino from tackling everything in range, it was in a its nature to tackle things to learn about its surroundings. That was all part of the fun Albert was having with his new Pokemon, sure a few people where knocked to the ground when Deino was intrigued by the food they where carrying but so far nobody was injured, so it was all alright in the end. It was gonna be a good day Albert hoped. [color=fff200]"Dei Dei"[/color] It smelled something and it completely ignored the command to stay close, off it ran like a blind man darting left and right to find the scent and Albert running after it. It almost looked like a comedy skit and yet it was anything but, it leaped towards the source of the smell. A cup of coffee held by a rather stern looking old geezer, now most Pokemon and people would be hesitant. To attack someone who looked stern but frail but Deino was blind and it looked like the old man would be barreled over yet suddenly a gray hand pinned Deino down to one spot, it was a Machoke. [color=8493ca]"Control your Pokemon boy"[/color] There was a obvious annoyance in the mans voice. [color=007236]"Sorry Sir its just that Deino is a bit curious that's all"[/color] [color=8493ca]"Just keep it on a leash or in a poke-ball if its causing problems"[/color] The man said as he walked off with his machoke leaving Albert and Deino behind. Albert walked the rest of the way rather briskly he didn't like the idea of keeping Deino inside a poke-ball and it missing out on the joys of life but its nature was causing problems. The Lab peaked into view with its dual poke-ball statues outside the front, people moving into the double door entrance, definitely a Lab. Albert headed inside not knowing what to expect but he knew Deino was acting oddly quiet after that encounter with the Machoke. he sat down on the lab floor next to Deino, he honestly couldn't be asked to stand.