[h2][i][color=deepskyblue]{ E l l i o t }[/color][/i][/h2] The art of duplicity, of deception, of pulling the wool so tightly over one's eyes they'd never see the light of truth again, was one that required the utmost delicacy. One simple slip-up, one careless underestimation, one brazen outburst - all of these could transform from a harmless mistake to the executioner's axe in seconds. Even the dull, predictable blade of reality could cleave a web of prevarication in half, no matter how intricately woven its defenses - no matter how masterful its weaver. Originally, Elliot had thought the instructor little more than a delusional, senile old crackpot whose head was lodged so far up his ass he’d never see the light of truth again. Then, she’d witnessed him stand idly by as some poor fuck’s head was mashed into the door, shoved through the splintering hole caused by the aforementioned headgrinding, and then probably crushed to bloody pieces as the ground rushed up to wrap him in its cold, unforgiving embrace, and now, uncertainty was laying down its roots. This had been preceded by a lengthy, helpful lecture that could be summed up in three points: [indent][i]1. You’re not human. Don’t get so uppity, you filthy mutt. 2. You’re going to die or go mad, and if it’s the latter, you die by our hand. 3. Breathe the wrong way and we’ll wrench your heads from your shoulders with our bare hands.[/i][/indent] [i][color=deepskyblue]Must be a real fucking kicker at parties.[/color][/i] Leaning back in her chair, slumping just enough to tilt it, arms folded securely across her chest, Elliot tipped her head backwards, staring at the ceiling with a somewhat concerning mix of distress and disinterest plastered across her face. [i][color=deepskyblue]Dude’s a fucking maniac, that’s for sure. What kind of monster drones on and on about inhumanity and insanity for an hour and a half, then busts out the creepy mating-ritual victory dance as soon as some idiot goes out the window?[/color][/i] A sigh spilled from her lips, and as the philosopher drew the lesson to a surprisingly anticlimactic close, dismissing the class, her lips curved into a frown. Don’t like it. No one’s naturally that indifferent. Ever the fan of getting the last word, Elliot heaved one final sigh, rose from her seat, and departed for the cafeteria. No sense in loitering, especially considering the instructor was an absolute maniac. Shuddering, she quickened her pace. [hr] [h2][i][color=orangered]{ R e n a u l t }[/color][/i][/h2] All things considered, this academy certainly had a poor business model. Really, it was quite disheartening! After dutifully pretending to listen to maintain some pretense of politeness, oughtn’t Renault at least be rewarded with the opportunity to ask a few questions after the lecture’s conclusion? At the very least, engage the professor - who, given the title, was surely a fellow purveyor of knowledge - in a truly riveting debate? Seeing as the instructor was still wholly immersed in turning interpretive celebratory dance into an aggressive art form, that seemed . . . unlikely. [i][color=orangered]Why, I’m appalled![/color][/i] A caustic grin lazily unfurled across his lips, eyes alight with sardonic glee. His conversational topics went where all of his (questionably) good ideas went to die - his tongue. [i][color=orangered]So very, very insulted! [/color][/i] Had that fellow claimed one’s loss of humanity was subjective, depending on the individual in question, Renault might have agreed. He might even have offered a round of applause - were he feeling particularly enlightened, perhaps he might have orchestrated a standing ovation. Instead, he’d claimed corruption was progressive, humanity was something that would deteriorate in time, and that both of these were inevitable, applicable to every single person in this room. [i][color=orangered]I say, the only thing deteriorating around here are the standards of education. Why, I’d wager not a single person here will go mad in the end![/color][/i] Hoisting himself out of his seat, he paused to stretch. Sitting motionless for such the better part of an hour had that way of leaving one dreadfully stiff. [i][color=orangered]It’s impossible to lose your humanity if you’ve none to begin with![/color][/i] The girl who’d barely restrained fits of laughter upon watching the brutal beatdown of a peer. The pale, scrawny brat that had glared up at the ceiling, bored as bored could be. Did the instructor really think anyone callous enough to ignore another’s suffering would go mad after seeing the horrors of war? [i][color=598527]”Pardon me, Mr. Joux, but shouldn’t you add that despite being disposable assets sent on murder missions, doomed to die or go insane, what we’re doing is helping the world? We’re hounds, released to hunt down and eliminate those who abuse the power they have or those who have gone insane with it. Corpse by corpse, we’re making the world a better place for humanity, right? Just a thought.” [/color][/i] [i][color=orangered]I appear to have been mistaken.[/color][/i] Renault paused mid-stretch, extended arm cradled in the crook of the other. [i][color=orangered]Well, well, what a surprise! I suppose our dear educator was right, after all![/color][/i] Garbed in black from head to toe, looking quite like one of Death’s most efficient reapers - this young lady certainly didn’t seem the sort to spout such morbid optimism. But, if there were one thing Renault chose to pride himself on, it was his auditory perception. [i][color=orangered]How very interesting! An altruist, hidden in the ranks![/color][/i] Rolling his shoulders one final time, ensuring they were sufficiently limber, Renault scampered over to the girl and her companions, a bright, cheerful smile affixed to his face. [color=orangered]“Ah! Embarking on an adventure, are we?” [/color]he chirped, sparing the quartet - including the wounded wimp supported by two of the others - a nod of greeting. [color=orangered]“Room in the war party for another?”[/color]