[quote=Hank] [img=https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/t31/1415446_436752273096497_607882881_o.jpg] [/quote]Hank, you better pick up ALL that trash before I bluntly tip-off the park-warden about your shenanigans. Or I can solve things the easy way [url=http://weekendroady.com/2013/05/09/stumblin-around-the-st-croix/stcroix10/][img=http://weekendroady.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/stcroix10.jpg][/url] Sparta is about 75 miles from there. Although I think we left an MRE's satchet of creamer about five paces to the east by northeast of that sign, underneath a fell'd log. (to right of sign, and taking about twelve or more steps away) I do know that's EXACTLY where I dug my fighting-position from last summer... We came by sea. A small patrol didn't even know our 20-person unit was there until they started tripping over our bivvy-kit around midnight.