With the ideals of the Terminator's evident in their consciouses, the path of Khorne opens it's drooling maw to engulf the Heros in it's psychotic antics. With their hallucinations bulging and contorting evermore, the fellow Astartes are teleported to a blood soaked hall obviously created in the name of Khorne. Unreal visions and bodily fluids make up the elongated chamber, with a large accompanied throne found at it's end. [color=ed1c24][b]"Blood for the Blood God!"[/b][/color], bellows a voice that carries deep into the Terminator's sanity. [color=ed1c24][b]"Skulls for the Skull Throne!"[/b][/color]. The ground beneath the loyalist intruders suddenly withers with tendrils, the deformed limbs that creates this murderous carpet soon grasp for the Terminator's, tearing at their mental essence other then their physical form. [b]The Terminators[/b] must make indivual Leadership tests to escape the [b]Daemon Tendrils[/b] [Center]Number To Beat; [b]16[/b][/center][list] [*][b]Rand;[/b] 10 = [i]Fail![/i] [color=ed1c24](Rand is now Prone)[/color] [*][b]Aleros;[/b] 21 = [i]Pass![/i] [*][b]Deimos;[/b] 9 = [i]Fail![/i] [color=ed1c24](Deimos is now Prone)[/color] [*][b]Zethidis;[/b] 8 = [i]Fail![/i] [color=ed1c24](Zethidis is now Prone)[/color][/list] With Aleros, his will strong enough to step away from the life leeching tendrils, is addressed personally by whatever demon inhabits this dream-world. [color=ed1c24][b]"Your will is strong! So will yourself to kill your comrades! Khorne demands Blood! Do it! or I will single-handily spill the fluids within you all!!!"[/b][/color] The other Terminators, the tendrils binding their legs and arms to the ground, look helplessly upon a double-bladed death sentence, dependent on their fellow brother's decision. [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s][list] [*][b]Brother Rand;[/b] [color=007236][i]4 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color] [*][b]Chaplain Aleros;[/b] [color=007236][i]2 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color] [*][b]'Brother' Deimos Kabal;[/b] [color=007236][i]2 Actions[/i][/color] [*][b]Brother 'Skullcavus' Zethidis;[/b] [color=007236][i]3 Actions[/i][/color] [color=f7941d](Complete)[/color][/list] [s]-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/s]