[quote=Raineh Daze] It... does not work like that. Not at all. I know this, because 1) I tend to obsessively research mental conditions whenever I encounter a new one, and 2) it was written on about half a dozen of my school records. :|The character's making me uncomfortable just looking at it....[/quote] I'd honestly ask for sources, and from my experience schools tend to add ridiculous amount of things to your records, I know, apparently I have it too, but I doubt that. [quote=Raineh Daze]but HP dragons aren't that intelligent and don't have shapeshifting powers. [/quote] Which is why it is even more ridiculous to possibly think this story is true! But this is my last counter arguments, I don't want this to become unpleasant, soooo if it's still not good, I'll make something else.