I'm interested, and I have a character in progress. [i]Edit:[/i] Here's my character. [hider=Hunter][b]Name:[/b] Hunter [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Sex/Gender:[/b] Male, cisgender [b]Sexuality:[/b] Homosexual, panromantic [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Eye Type:[/b] Bright, pale blue [b]Appearance:[/b] Hunter has medium-length, thick [url=https://40.media.tumblr.com/47836309b50a6ecd8b256a1f271d716e/tumblr_nlfikhs59Z1tv34h6o1_1280.jpg]hair[/url] that has a dark brown color not unlike brown sugar and is parted to the left side of his face almost always. He keeps his square jaw cleanly shaven, depriving it of the short-boxed beard that he would otherwise have growing on the soft, beach sand-colored skin of his face and around his dark pink lips. Those same lips give warm smiles of straight teeth and canines sharpened by a boy who grew up a meat-eater. His cheekbones are high, his nose flat and high-bridged, and his face, though very manly in a traditional sense, taps into a few softer aspects that make his handsomeness a little more approachable, possibly even cuter or sweeter. Half-frame, horn-rimmed black corrective glasses aid his vision. A fairly strong youth, Hunter has an average build, consisting of broad shoulders, thin arms, and thick legs with capable muscles built by some strenuous work under the sun, all connected to a slim, muscled torso, with a little bit of fat. This bundle of muscle, like his face, is made softer and less intimidating by that same bit of fat, all packaged in an average height of 5 feet and 8 inches. Over his fairly standard body, he usually wears T-shirts and button-ups of all sorts of designs and pairs of cargo shorts that he ever so often swaps for tight jeans, all this depending on the clothes he finds and the conditions he meets. The most prevalent color in his wardrobe is the color blue and its tints and shades in keeping with his favorite color. Hunter typically wears a [url=http://www.kamalkapoor.com/images/full/rutile-quartz-pendant10006.jpg]quartz pendant[/url] around his neck on a black cord necklace. [b]History:[/b] Hunter was raised by his paternal grandfather after his parents died when he was just an infant. In such a lawless, insane world, his grandfather did what he could to assure that Hunter would grow to have integrity and virtue among men and that Hunter would at least have a few skills to guarantee his survival into old age. They lived a very nomadic life, drifting from town to town and bringing few actual possessions with them beyond the necessities like food and clothing, but that didn't stop Hunter from sneaking other things in his backpack like the journals that he filled with art and writing. Never able to have a long-lasting friendship, few people ever got very close to Hunter. The only people who really got close to him were the boys he'd involved himself in romantic relationships with in the towns where Hunter and his grandfather had stayed for longer, but Hunter found himself breaking all ties with those boys each time he'd moved to another town. He'd had the time to secretly explore his sexuality and figure it all out, but he would never have the time to develop anything more than a short fling. And so, Hunter's relationships were few and far between and as scarce as gems in the earth. Eventually, like the rest of his family had before Hunter was even born, his grandfather too departed and left Hunter the last of his kin, the only child of a family that had once been as innumerable as the stars. In turn he came to possess the quartz pendant that belonged to his mother's father, then his mother, then his father, and last his grandfather, and he had only his beloved pet cat to keep him company. Hunter traveled with whichever boys he dated, from the start of the relationship to the end, as the fragile youth searched for someone on whom he could depend and for enlightenment and for purpose. He joined the group convinced that if he did, he might be able to fulfill his goals and see the end of the hell they live in. If he were a part of the group that found the Cure, he could realize his dream of having a large impact on the world. [b]Special Object:[/b] The quartz pendant left in his inheritance by his grandfather is Hunter's special object. Claims to whether or not it can do anything spectacular or miraculous are dubious, but for obvious sentiments about his love for his grandfather, the pendant is important to Hunter. It is, however, peculiarly warm to the touch. [b]Companions:[/b] Hunter's cat is a Maine Coon silver tabby cat that he affectionately calls "Luna." Luna, like most cats of her breed, is a docile and vocal hunting cat that responds well to Hunter's calls and understands commands Hunter has trained her to follow. Hunter and Luna are about as close as a human and a feline can become. [b]Other:[/b][list] [*]Left-handed [*]Decent artist [*]Good writer [*]Compassionate and optimistic [*]Good cook [*]Attentive and more intelligent than most [*]Has a few spells of depression every now and then [*]Forgetful, procrastinating, perfectionist [/list][/hider] Impossible reality.