[img=http://simpleweb.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/TheWalkingDeadWallpaper2.jpg] [b]Story So Far[/b] Some years ago, scientists found a fungus, usually seen growing deep in the Amazon, living on the plants in Central Park. They extracted the fungus, determining it to be the infamous [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordyceps]Cordyceps[/url]. This fungus had never been a problem for humans. It wasn't until the heatwave that year that things started to go wrong. Mosquitoes came, some already carrying the fungus inside them. It took one infection for everything to go wrong. By the end of November, people started to panic. Occasionally families would wake in the night, screaming in terror as their loved ones awoke, changed and mutated. It took New York in two weeks. It took until the end of December for civilians to realize that whenever a infected died, spores were released. By the end of March, the whole planet was under threat. Polar regions survived the longest but even they suffered. By December that year, everyone was one of three things: [b]Running, Dead, Infected.[/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Infected and Infection[/b] [quote]For humans that have been exposed to a mutated strain of Ophiocordyceps Unilateralis, the fungus attacks the brain and begins to alter the behavior of its host. The host will then go through three known different stages of infection: Runner, Stalker, and Clicker; each stage is more dangerous than the last. The infection is also spread directly through contact with an Infected or via their corpse - that is, the infectious spores created by the Cordyceps and released from the host's body upon death. Spore development is the last stage in the life cycle of the Infected. This lifeless carcass serves as a breeding ground for the fungus to spread throughout the environment. When an Infected feels it is close to death, it will find dark, moist corners to die in. While this may be the end of the line for the host, the fungus will live on. The spore concentration cannot build up in wide open spaces, which is why the only places with significant spore toxicity tend to be underground or abandoned buildings. In order for the fungus to infect a host body, the host must first be alive, dead victims who come into contact with the infection do not undergo transformation. Cordyceps attacks when a host in most weak. Illness is a terrible sign, as most living survivors are already infected. [/quote] Runners* Runners are the first and weakest stage of the Infected who have recently entered their transformation. Their bodies remain mostly intact and are often the most visible sign of recent infection and potentially where life once was. Since their recent infection, they maintain many of their human instincts and will keep together in groups, most often being seen travelling in herds or travelling towards light sources. Their body language is sluggish while they are passive, suggesting they are resisting the fungus's influence. Sometimes they do not attack at all, even when non-infected individuals are right in front of them. These non-aggressive runners will only attack if attacked first or when an object is thrown at or near them, thus losing control. Much like sneezing, the urge to attack after such interactions happens involuntarily and unwillingly by the host. Stalkers* Stalkers are the second stage of infection and the most likely the hunt. They choose to attack and hunt at night, as it gives them the most cover. The fungus has already taken a hold of their humanity and cast it aside. Stalkers hunt alone and in packs, making dealing with them very dangerous. They have been known to leave the shelter of cities and venture out to find food. When food is spotted, they have been known to travel towards it, regardless of how long they have to do so. Stalkers have been recorded to have followed a man forty miles before killing him in his sleep. Clickers* Clickers are the third and most distinctly recognized stage of the Infected. They have had prolonged exposure to the fungus, and now possess strength that significantly surpasses the average human. This makes them deadlier, but at the price of being completely blind due to fungal infection overtaking their face. However, Clickers are able to maneuver through areas by utilizing echolocation, which produces noticeable clicking noises to locate sources of sound.Clickers appear less human than Runners, with faces that are skewed and scarred by fungus developed from their infected brains. Clickers are dangerous and much more aggressive than Runners, and no longer resist the fungus because their humanity has been eliminated. [b]Avoid at all costs[/b] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Rules[/b] -*Immunity is not a thing. It may come up in the story, but as of yet, it is not a thing. -*Obvious rules on GM, Powerplaying, etc -*Please do not be afraid to [b]kill your characters[/b] -*In accordance with the rule above, new characters can be added to keep a player around -*All characters involved at the beginning, know each other and travel together -*You may play more than one character, this is recommended -*Characters may be any age, however, children must be with an adult. No child would survive alone. -*If without a current plot, feel free to add and develop! -*[b]All[/b] characters are infected. As in Walking Dead. Developing a bad illness can cause the fungus to take over which will cause transformation. Obviously this is unknown to the characters as of yet. [b]Character Skeleton[/b] [Image if using] Name* Age* Relations* (if any) Equipment* (if any) Appearance* (if not using image) Personality* Short Bio* Other* (possible losses to be listed)