[quote=@PKMNB0Y] ----- The dwarf, who had immediately turned tail and started running (if it could even be called that) through the underground mine, was scared stiff when he glanced over his shoulder and noticed the burly human following close behind him. "Help! Help! Human in the mine!" the dwarf shouted out, the sound echoing through the roomy caverns of the region. As the steps of the dwarf continued to make resounding noises throughout the otherwise empty-cavern, a pair of dwarven guards- fully armored and equipped wuth shining metal battle-axes, stood side by side. The miner slipped in between the two, who then immediately got into a defensive position to block the human's path. "Halt, in the name of King Ivran!" they shouted simultaneously, their faces determined to stop their intruder at all costs. [@SadCubone] [/quote] Luke stopped. He was out numbered and out weapon-ed, so he dropped to his knees and put his hands on his head. [color=f7941d]"Look I surrender ok? I didn't mean to intrude on this hear mine I was just wondering around and fell in."[/color] Luke never felt so weak. Weak. His stomach began to curl and hurt again. [color=f7941d]"Now if yall can please be so kind as to show me where a bathroom is or like a doctor is, I think I may be coming down with some sort of sickness."[/color] Luke was hoping that plea would work, they seemed like tough fellas but maybe they would help a pour man in need? Emphases on the maybe.