[b]Accepted Characters[/b] [b]TheDookieNut[/b] [img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/228/f/5/lara_croft_tomb_raider_reborn___japan_expo_2013___by_illyne-d6ienbj.jpg] Emilie Glen-Carter 25 [b]Equipment*[/b] Worn Bow and Arrow set, maintaining six arrows, collectibles bag for food and water. [b]Personality*[/b] Emilie is relatively private, mainly to keep any fear she does hold, back. She fears if she lets it out, she'll lose everything she has built up. She never chooses to lead, and often agrees with plans unless she sees something desperately wrong with them. She can get incredibly irritated with others if they act stupid or give away a position, but never wishes to travel alone. She fears the dark and often does the first watch, whilst its relatively light outside. [b]Short Bio*[/b] [img=http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/290/5/6/nathan_drake___wesson_by_james__c-d5i34zg.png] Andrew Jones 36 [b]Relations*[/b] Married - Mary Jones [b]Equipment*[/b] One pistol, one legal handgun [b]Personality*[/b] Andrew is protective. Perhaps too much so. Despite wanting to start a family, he fully refuses as the situation would not be safe for both his wife and their child. He is reckless at times and will fight to the death should anyone disrespect himself or his wife. He is easily stressed and has, more than once, risked the lives of everyone he travels with by making stupid mistakes. He was a smoker before the outbreak and his supply has long since run out; its something he actively searches for. [b]Short Bio*[/b] [img=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/355/f/e/walking_by_eilaire-d6q75fb.jpg] Mary Jones 32 [b]Relations*[/b] Husband, Andrew Jones [b]Equipment*[/b] One legal hand gun, large bag with medical supplies [b]Personality*[/b] Mary is patient, something which has become incredibly useful during her marriage with Andrew. She deals with his stress in any way she can and will often be found counselling others and asking them to do the same with her. She has a strong belief that they should find somewhere to live and rebuild everything there, become completely sustainable without fear. She is unaware of how unlikely this will be. [b]Short Bio*[/b] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [b]Monkey[/b] [img=http://0.tqn.com/d/menshair/1/0/1/5/-/-/short11.jpg] Name* Marc Williams Age* 21 Relations* Brother - Nick Williams Equipment* A short spear and hunting knife. Army issue rucksack with spare boots, flint and steel, and a knife. Personality: Very easy going, though if the situation turns serious (or he's just in a bad mood) he gets agitated very quickly. When first meeting somebody, he's very silent though once comfortable around the person or group he'll laugh and joke, occasionally at bad times though the intent is to lighten the mood not be rude. Never reckless, but he can quite often be much too cautious when entering a situation. He won't refuse or fear it, but he may progress much too slowly, or halt altogether to check or double check all options available. Short Bio* Marc grew up a lazy child with no real ambition to do much of anything. He nearly failed highschool only because he didn't do the work, and never went out to do things. It wasn't long after graduating that he realized he was a useless little shit, So instead of simply beginning to work out or go to college, or whatever else where his own lazy habits may make him regress,... He enlisted in the army as a reservist. Though the training was much less than he'd expected, it still whipped the young man into shape and gave him some drive. [img=http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5092/5472688440_f5a8b1b975_m.jpg] Name* Nick Williams Age* 17 Relations* Marc Williams - Brother Equipment* Solid wood baseball bat and a pump shotgun. Personality* Bold and just a bit egotistical, though the young man isn't rude he likes to act like he's invincible. While he may be a little guarded around anyone new, he certainly isn't shy unlike his brother though he's irritated just as quickly. He doesn't laugh or joke like his brother, though he does have a bit of wit and will make a comment he finds funny on occasion. His approach to situations is usually to find the first obvious solution and then go barreling in. Short Bio* Nick was the athlete child. Basketball, football, you name it he probably played it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ [b]Kirra[/b] [img=http://cs408531.vk.me/v408531786/559e/f-ZUKrzN9WY.jpg] Name: Annie Stewart Age: 16 Relations: Derrick Wilson: Brother (deceased), Cameron Bailey: Brother's close friend Equipment: Small backpack, small hunting knife, binoculars, water bottle, fishing line, box of fishing hooks Personality: Annie is someone that strives for a good relationship with others and avoid conflict and confrontation as much as possible. She is someone that strives to see her life in an optimistic view although she knows that it is illogical with the current status of the world. Although cowardly at times she is usually quick on her feet and to react to a situation. Short Bio: Annie was raised in the heart of Seattle with her half-brother Derrick. Although nearly ten years apart, their relationship with each other was a strong one. She was out camping with Derrick and his friend Cameron the first time she saw the Zombies and have been on the run since. Two months ago, her brother was caught by the zombies while giving Annie and Cameron enough time to escape after the trio got themselves trapped on the third floor of an apartment complex. It was a week and a half later that the duo found a group to join and have been with them since. [img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_K-pujJWjF1o/S_towTOKAyI/AAAAAAAACyY/uZhHvomLzhk/s1600/outdoorsman.jpg] Name: Cameron Bailey Age: 27 Relations: Derrick Wilson: Best friend (deceased) Annie Stewart: Friend's younger sister Equipment: Hiking backpack, fifteen feet of rope, machete, pocket knife, water bottle, lighter, duct tape Personality: Cameron is a hardworking man eager to survive. He is someone that values teamwork but isn't one that would keep his opinions to himself and isn't afraid to call someone out when they are in the wrong. Although not as compassionate as Annie, Cameron strives to do his best for the wellbeing of the group by whatever means. Short Bio: Cameron was raised in Montana with his hunting and camping enthusiastic father. After graduating from high school, Cameron moved to Seattle for college and found Derrick and a close knit friendship quickly grew between the two. After graduating from college, Cameron stuck around in Washington and became a Fish and Wildlife officer and spent most of his time either at Mt. Rainier or with Derrick. His relationship with Annie was a friendly one but didn't grow much until the trio was attacked by a hoard of zombies. Now that Derrick is gone, Cameron does his best to help his friend's sister out as much as he can. -------------------------------