Sander ducked into a shadowed alleyway, his steps hastened while still appearing light and casual. The way ahead seemingly led to a dead end, but he knew better. Years surviving in this watering hole of a city had taught him much, and he knew its streets like the back of his hand. Just as he reached the end of the road, Sander leapt onto a nearby dumpster and jumped to the ladder lying on the opposite wall. A rung broke off then, but he merely discarded it and continued climbing. It really couldn’t be helped, the ladder had been here for a couple of years. Someone living in the nearby apartment had it installed, as an emergency escape of some sort, but after the lower half had broken off, they had abandoned it. He just used it as a shortcut to the roof. Once arrived at his destination, Sander took a quick glance around. After confirming that he was devoid of any unwanted company, he sat down on one of the rusty AC units and took out a weathered wallet. Its content was disappointing, if not a little expected, since the owner didn’t seem too wealthy either. Probably just another factory worker on his way home after a round at the pub, his wallet empty save for some change. Sander didn’t actually plan to pickpocket the man though. He just spotted the old fart lying there on the sidewalk, wallet peeking out behind his coat. If he hadn’t took it, someone else would have. Stuffing the crumped notes into his pocket, Sander tossed the wallet down the side of the building, then took off. It didn’t take him long to get back to his home though. Well, their home, since he lived with a group of Scroungers now. While he wasn’t quite fond of the decision, it offered him the much needed protection. And on the whole, they seemed fine, as far as scavengers went. Except the big guy, that Keith something though. Sander still felt uneasy around him, but it was probably just nerves. Just as he approached the building, a familiar face came into view. It was Leti, casually eating and eyeing passersby. He knew that look. With a smile on his lips, he took off his gasmask as he came to stand next to her. “ ‘Sup Leti. What are you scheming this time?”