As Ryi was feeding Beautifly with some pokepuffs he felt someone hugging his arm and telling him to go with it…weird but he went along with it. It was a small girl, almost the height of Remma actually, she sort of reminded her of her a bit with her dark hair and day he would find her and they can have their journey together. It seemed like she was trying to get away from her dad but no way he want to pry into that that private stuff right there. After the father left the girl seemed relived he was gone, again it must be private matters and it will be terribly rude to well ask on what just happened. Maybe he was thinking about it too hard, he really have to stop doing that and try to go with the flow. [color=00aeef]“No problem, not sure what really happened but no problem”[/color] Ryi smiled happily with Beautifly fluttering her wings on top of his head.[color=00aeef] “Oh my name, is Ryiler but call me Ryi this is Remma my friend! Say hi!”[/color] He pointed up to the resting pokemon on his head that was eating the pokepuff. Beautifly flew of his head and onto the girl head, a sign that she likes her. “BEauuu! Beauuttiflly!!” [color=00aeef]“I think she likes you already! Or that you have some berried with you.”[/color] He took out another pokepuff but this one it was green with a little pecha berry slice on top of it. He offered it to the girl, people can also eat these treats as well even though they were meant for pokemon. “Here, I made these for the pokemon but we can eat it was well. Its a good way tog et the started” Then he grabbed an orange pokepuff and took a bite out of it, it was super yummy and sweet, he love to bake when he had a chance and give it to others like the Pichu his mom have. [color=00aeef]“MMn!! Yummy!!”[/color] He said as he continued to munch on the pokepuff. Beautifly kept on fluttering her wings on top of the girl showing that she liked her already.