A young man named Ren found himself wandering straight through the front of Lumiose City. It had been a long journey so far and this trainer was not daring to stop now. It was obvious that he had been living in the wilderness for day because of how rugged he looked. His pants were covered in grass stains, his shoes covered in mud and he had not looked in a mirror once to wipe the dirt stains from his cheek. That didn't stop Ren from looking excited. A wild-man would look similar but with one difference. The look on Ren's face spoke of nothing other than purpose. It was obvious to anyone that walked by him that he had a reason for going on. "[color=ed1c24]Hey guys were finally here![/color]" He exclaimed as he tossed two pokeballs onto the ground and an orange fish and a yellow rabbit looking thing in a black suit emerged from the red light. [color=f26522]"Magi Magi." [/color] The Magikarp said. [color=fff200]"Bra"[/color] The Abra Said. Both of his pokemon looked pleased with the look on their trainers face. [color=ed1c24]"Let's go somewhere."[/color] He exclaimed as he picked up his Magikarp and let his Abra follow him. He did look like he was favoring Magikarp but Abra could walk and Magikarp could not so unless they were in water it could not be helped. Eventually he had to make his way to the Pokemon Laboratory but he just arrived in town. Ren felt like it was important to enjoy the sights of the city before he did anything else. After all his pokemon are what brought him this far so they should get full attention until they were ready as a team to go onto see the Professor. Soon the Ren group came upon a fountain with people sitting around it and birds landing by it for a drink. [color=ed1c24]"Here you go Magikarp, have yourself a nice swim."[/color] He told him pokemon as he sat down with his Abra on his lap. Then the young trainer stared at the sky. He began to daze off about what adventures await and how he would do on this journey.