Sel'Varok's opening line rang true more than it should. Like Rayland himself, aside from his usual duties as Captain, didn't hold much command aside from relaying orders and information and of course driving them through giant dimensional wormholes and dead worlds. Most of the specialized crew on-board and now on the field has their own assignments within a separated chain of command. He was basically waiting for the next string of instructions to come up from the [i]SWS Howling Sun[/i], sitting safety from orbit and many guns pointed everywhere with probably two thirds of the arsenal pointing at the spaceport no doubt. "Water would be good, thank you." Rayland replied as he took a seat in the chair which he turned opposite from the doctor with his stomach pressing against the back-rest while leaning forward. "Operating on a dead world with somewhat high tensions is the only bad news I have for now. At any rate, we can hope that's the [i]only[/i] form of bad new's we're going to get..." He paused for a moment before continuing, "In your own personal expertise Doctor, do you know anything on hallucinations? Like, seeing things that aren't there? And before you bring it up; no, I didn't have one too many drinks..." [i]Wish I did though.[/i]