[color=#e86461][b]"We've got time for a visit, don't we? I mean.. it's in the same direction right? We slayed a big ol monster for this forest's protector!"[/b][/color] The little moogle said, hovering like a hummingbird behind Lume. The two of them sat on the runner which really seemed odd to the Caelumite. Of those two he was the most excited. [color=#94e874][b]"Indeed the Malboroba was slain by the work of our party. Perhaps she will grant safe passage to us if we exchange this favor."[/b][/color] Lume said, wondering just who this witch was. [color=#94e874][b]"Is that not the Boon you speak of, Selie're?"[/b][/color] [color=#6ecff6][b]"Baba Yaga,"[/b][/color] Galren began, [color=#6ecff6][b]"The Witch of the Twisted Tree. I believe that is the one you are referring too, Wallas Farmohn. She is a Primal like that Book says, however, she's much more like an animal than a witch. I have seen her form in the sky as one would a hawk."[/b][/color] He spoke with an old accent from the same continent as the Selie're and Wallas however, those two would notice a strange twist to his tongue, as if he'd spent a long time learning many dialects of the common language. However, above all things he spoke with confidence over this matter. [color=#6ecff6][b]"I have seen many a Primal, this one is what you may call neutrally aligned."[/b][/color] [color=#e86461][b]"What's a Primal again?"[/b][/color] The moogle asked. It was obvious he'd never been outside the walls of the his home. [color=#6ecff6][b]"It is the Patron of the wild, one who has not united with its people. Baba Yaga will one day become a Patron when her people arrive at this place. However, this is not going to happen within our lifetime. A Primal will wait until the end of time for its people to find it within the wilds. Kingdoms will fall and the seasons will pass like that of a single hour for a Primal."[/b][/color] The Geomancer was very knowledgeable of these creatures, having traveled across the world for most of his life. [color=#e86461][b]"Oh... so what if we were her people?"[/b][/color] The moogle asked being nosy. [color=#6ecff6][b]"Then the Primal would show herself to us upon our arrival in the forest, asking for an offering of Magicite for her to ascend to the Goddess Shrine."[/b][/color] [color=#e86461][b]"So she'll go up there and then what?"[/b][/color] the short one stared into the sky, seeing the crescent of the goddess shrine (a moon) already. [color=#6ecff6][b]"This forest will transform, a blessing will be given to one of her people, and a great deal of work begins for the new kingdom."[/b][/color] Speaking from his experience, this was a gold mine of information for Wallas. The Geomancer wondered if the Mahngan was taking notes. [color=#e86461][b]"Oh! I wanna be blessed!"[/b][/color] [color=#94e874][b]"A king has many duties."[/b][/color] Lume said, wondering if the moogle would ever cease questioning the old man. [color=#94e874][b]"Besides summoner of Navire, your Patron has blessed you with the power to bring fourth a creature to this realm."[/b][/color] [color=#e86461][b]"Oh that's pooey! I can summon cause I just can, no Patron required!"[/b][/color] [color=#6ecff6][b]"A creature that you must one day show us, Greg."[/b][/color] The Geomancer said. [color=#6ecff6][b]"Now, as the Warrior Koji has given us a report, we can make the choice to go around a Primal's nest, visit her, or attempt to get close but ignore her. I doubt that she would stay hidden if we traveled close to her nest. Yet the way around this forest is unclear to me... much has changed since I last passed through this area."[/b][/color] [color=#9f77e8][b]"Heh, you're taking too much time. Just go already."[/b][/color] Kevess appeared behind them, his bandages covered in red blood spattered across his hands. It was clear that he'd just killed something. However, no scratch marks on his body indicated a biased battle in the shadow hunter's favor. [color=#9f77e8][b]"What? Can't handle blood?"[/b][/color] He moved on without them, heading toward the large tree.