[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/H2Xwjg4.png[/img] [I] “[b]Y[/b]ou have not been a noblewoman for long have you?”[/i] [h3][color=lightblue]S A E .[/color][/h3][/center] [b]S[/b]aewine took Sara's hand in his own with a practiced tenderness. [color=lightblue] “[b]N[/b]ice to meet you, Lady Medved. I'am lor-”[/color] He caught himself mid-sentence, his eyes flickering away from hers in that same moment. [color=lightblue] “[b]I[/b]'m Saewine. Saewine Bloodworth.[/color] He concluded. [b]H[/b]e had no desire to openly relate to that name unless it could guarantee his freedom from the Black Shields. For one reason or the other, he doubted Sara could help him. With a speculating eye, he considered the pleasantries of sleeping and the company before him. She wasn't hideous but she wasn't overly pretty either. She was ... above average, her powerful eyes and slender frame made sure of that. [b]I[/b]f he had been at the Keep though, he wouldn't have sacrificed sleep for her presence. [b]S[/b]till though, it was not like he could sleep forever. Eventually the Commander-Priest would rudely awaken him. He thought back to the phenomenal string of curses the elder man had directed towards Dorran yesterday. [color=lightblue][i][b]Q[/b]uite rude indeed. Too rude for me anyway, I guess I'll take, Lady Sara up on her offer. Nothing better to do.[/i][/color] [color=lightblue] “[b]Y[/b]ou have not been a noblewoman for long have you?”[/color] he questioned, thinking to the very small but noticeable clues. For one she had not retreated from the presence of a jaw-stubble soldier. Of course some women could find that attractive but he doubted they would his, he had not touched it since its appearance. Only irritably scratched. In all his years, it was nearly the first time he had seen any hair on his face. [b]H[/b]e had waited for her answer with a overall tired expression and only a slight glint in his eyes. But it never came. Instead, a cheerful hello introduced itself to them. Immediately Saewine raised out the chair, placed a palm on the pommel of his blade, and bowed lowly. His shaggy black strands hid his face well as he looked towards the ground. [b]W[/b]hen the Princess asked for their names, Saewine slowly raised his head and stared her in the eyes. [color=lightblue] “[b]F[/b]orgive me, Princess for resting. I will continue with my name now. I'am Lord Saewine Era Bloodworth, son of Elign and Tessa Bloodworth, and younger brother to the late Heron Bloodworth. I … serve your family willingly in these trying times.”[/color] He nearly kicked himself for stumbling through a forced introduction, not to mention he took his family's name back rather quickly. [color=lightblue][i][b]I[/b] have the resolve of a baby piglet.[/i][/color] [b]I[/b]t was near instant. The look of shock and fear at the mention of calling Terryn. When he caught princess Caterina's mischievous smile, he knew she was only jesting with him. It roused a honest smirk on his face and he found himself becoming lax. [color=lightblue] “[b]Y[/b]ou would have dead soldier if you had. Trust me on that one,”[/color] he joked darkly. [b]W[/b]hile the Princess had played with Sara's gown, Saewine found himself looking over at the eagerly waiting Princess Erica. She was just as beautiful, if not even more so than the painting. A slight tug at his heart was quickly replaced with punch to his pride. No way could he, nor would he ever, have a chance to be with her. It was impossible. Though he was noble, there was quite a great space between himself and the royal family. Namely the Black Shields. [b]A[/b] quiet yearning parted his lips before he noticed Terryn approaching. His teeth met each other as he stood to attention. His broad chest would poke out from its usual cover as he lifted his chin up. Though vague, he knew Terryn's words to the Princess were really a dreadful symphony of curses to him. The black-eyed youth let out a defiant breath from his nostrils out of reflex. The jolly noise from the entertainment flowed throughout but it didn't make his encounter any less tense. [color=lightblue] “[b]S[/b]ir, if I may explain in full,”[/color] he started, but quickly got lost in his own pity as he watched Erica's closest candidate for marriage arrive. Saewine mentally compared himself to the Knight, only be disappointed. The guy had confidence and knew how to fight; one could tell just from watching his strides. But more so than that, he had already had a seat at the table with Erica. [b]W[/b]ell fantasies were never meant to last long anyway.