[b][u]Name: [/u][/b]Libé van Zilverpark [u][b]Sex:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 22 [u][b]Themesong: [/b][/u][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8KIAifEFnc]Chef's Special - Still Don't Know[/url] [u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Standing at 1.92 meters tall and weighing in at 72kg. Libé can definitely be considered tall and slightly underweight. His skin is unhealthily pale. He has brown eyes that lie deep in their sockets and brown, long waving hair that he rarely decently grooms, it's usually held together with large Senheiser headphones that double as headband. He has a short goatee of slightly course hair. His skin seems to shed loose white sand, as if he'd been rolling around on the beach. Around his one arm is a silver watch, the band is hand-crafted by Hopi tribe Native Americans but the clock itself is a cheap knock-off that stopped running years ago. On the other arm is a broad silver chain. Libé wears a loose blouse, blue stripe patterns are broken by stains of white clay, paint and blood. 2 out of 9 plastic buttons are missing and the rolled up sleeves look worse for wear. Aside from the blouse there are logging pants several sizes too large, held up with a leather belt adorned with a solid silver buckle displaying a crowned rabbit holding a key and a rapier. Libé wears old sneakers in a state similar to the blouse. [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] [b]virtues:[/b] Temperance, Charitable [b]vices:[/b] Indecisiveness, Pride, Sloth [b]intelligence:[/b] High to an extent where it's a handicap sometimes. [b]temperaments:[/b] Peaceful, friendly [b]religious:[/b] Well.. he used to be atheist... [b]philosophical and moral beliefs:[/b] Though he loves to discuss ideals and beliefs dusk till dawn, he can't decide on any universal truths. Freedom over safety? Honesty over efficiency? In the end he'll go with his gut. [b]sexual orientation:[/b] Libé likes girls, preferably with a smooth waist and cheerful eyes. Though he's not very experienced romantically, so he's sure he probably doesn't know what he likes... definitely girls though. [b]quirks:[/b] - It's nigh-impossible to offend Libé, especially when he's in a good mood. He's one of those people that claim "You should be able to joke about anything. No exceptions." - Dislikes horses. No reason. - addictive personality. Can easily get hooked on games, drugs and alcohol. Will most likely get addicted to using magic in no time. - While he has vivid dreams, he hasn't suffered a nightmare in years. [b]habits:[/b] - Fidgety. Always has to do something with his hands, might be why clay appeals to him like it does. - Actually strokes his beard when in deep thought. Yes. Like in the movies. - Can't throw anything out. If it's useful for anything, it's not going in the trash. - Always listens to music at all times. This is going to be hard on him, since he has no phone in the Cradle. [u][b]Biography:[/b][/u] Libé was raised in a happy, functional family on the outskirts of a town in western Europe. He went to school and had a full upbringing, eventually going to high school, then Art academy. In his early youth Libé was bullied ruthlessly. Though, at the time he was convinced it was the worst, he later made friends with people who had had bullies on a whole other level. High school was mostly about social skills. The classes themselves were often boring or easy, but never both Most of his youth Libé spent playing games with friends, inventing new games or adjusting them. This got him into dungeons and dragons at a young age, later he discovered LARP and other role-playing games. For a while he was going to study game design, but in the end chose ceramics. A hobby he had picked up at even younger age. For years, for a few hours every week he stood in his grandfather's atelier and created statues of whatever came to mind. Libé's above average intelligence gave way to a bunch of difference paths of study, in the end he chose to favour art over games and science and went to the art academy to hone his abilities with ceramics. Art school was nothing but frustrating. Rapports on boring subjects like artist and artistic movements, reflective techniques of self critiquing. Research classes that followed rigid rules. None of it had to do with clay. The feeling of shaping something with your hands. Libé was in the 3rd year of his study, debating himself whether he should quit the school or not. At that point he was whisked away, to wake up in the Cradle of Divinity. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] [b]Modern day, first world schooling:[/b] As most of his peers Libé has an understanding of physics, chemistry and maths that would blow most wizard's minds. How much is applicable in the Cradle is of course another question. [b]Schooled in modern and classical art[/b] [b]Singing:[/b] impressively low vocal range and decent voice, but noticeably untrained [b]Cooking:[/b] Having lives alone in an apartment for the last two years Libé picked up enough cooking skill to sustain himself. He also Loves cheesecake and knows the recipe by heart (as well as all the possible variants) [b]Talented Sculptor:[/b] A creative mind and years of practice. There is nothing that gives Libé more pleasure than creating something. [b]Gamer:[/b] Libé is well at home in a setting full of dragons, dire monsters and arcane magic. He would recognise an elemental and dare speak to a dragon. This and his intelligence allow him to see the metaphysical rules behind most games. He has had some martial training, but not more than the occasional sparring with other hobbyists. [b]Binge watcher:[/b] Libé has watched an absurd amount of tv-series and movies, and has become good at predicting story lines and plot twists. This helps him little in real life, but figuring out someone's plans is easy if they are a little cliché. [b]Driver's Licence: [/b]It may not be relevant, but Libé is licensed to drive a car or scooter. (though he's never been on a scooter, it comes with the car licence.) [b]Swimmer's diploma:[/b] While no competitive swimmer Libé can swim well enough to handle himself in the deep end. Though he is afraid of whatever might lurk in the depths of a world like this. [b]Amateur psychologist:[/b] His mother is a psychologist and being brought up by one, one tends to pick up the basics. [u][b] Elemental Cores: [/b][/u]Earth Duplex [u][b]Abilities: [/b][/u] [b]Earth shape (earth):[/b] Earth before his palms softens and follows his every whim. Allowing to sculpt bedrock like soft clay with the same precision he would have had if he had tools and sea's of time instead of magic. [b]Stone Sense (earth):[/b] When concentrating Libé can project his senses trough earth and stone. As long as he is touching a surface of earth he can see/feel/taste/smell/hear/sense as if standing in any other place connected to the same surface. I.e. He could see trough a stone slab, eavesdrop on a conversation a up to kilometer further down a paved road or feel someone touching a stature as if it was his own skin. The more solid and pure the earth the sharper the result. (so seeing trough a solid slab gives a clear sight as if lookig trough a piece of crystal, while looking trough a pile of loose gravel would give a fuzzy image.) [b]Earth Glide (earth):[/b] Libé can meld into a stone surface like a burrowing earth elemental can pass through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. If protected against fire damage by other means, he can even glide through lava. When Libé activates Earth glide he causes the earth in his immediate vicinity to flow like water, so that he can "swim" through it. Which creates a ripple that moves similar to but slower than water would. But leaves no or other sign of its presence after. Destroying the body of earth Libé is in doesn't harm him. Though if the rock he's in is split to small enough size it can't contain him he would partially stick out. A destructive earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing Libé will fling him back roughly 10 meters, disorienting him and potentially ejecting him from the rock and ending the spell. [b]Footnotes:[/b] Technically [b]Earth shape[/b] could classify as two abilities. One to soften and harden earth compounds and one to shape it with his mind. Magical influence over earth (or anything) is contested. [b]Earth glide[/b] and [b]Stone shape[/b] are less effective on earth under influence of foreign magic. When pushed away by earth magic Libé is always forced away from the origin of the magic. If someone were to hit the ground with an offensive earth spell while Libé was burrowing underneath he would be pushed down. Or he could be blasted out of a wall. [b][u]Familiars: [/u][/b]None yet. [u][b]Possessions:[/b][/u] Clothes.