Libé woke up and jolted up. Hard, cold and smooth. White metal and glass. Libé pushed aside the glass and stepped out of the pod. He was exited. While the week before seemed hazy, he remembered last night vividly. The beautiful goddess was burned into his mind and he knew for sure, this wasn't a dream. He knew dreams, he knew VR, he knew illusions and trickery. None of those could deliver something like this. And he could still feel that same glow inside. Something that needed to be unleashed. It felt like creativity. [i] "You are now gifted with the power to manipulate the elements with your mind," "In your human society, power like this is beyond your current understanding of science, and would be assumedly called 'magic'. In time, with practice and experience, these powers will only grow stronger. However..." Magic. [/i] This was going to be great. Libé looked around. He saw other medical pods, just like the one he just climbed out of. The pods had other people in them. He assumed they were in the same situation as he was. Interesting. Then he noticed the purple [url=]symbol[/url] that is on the walls and every healing pod, identical to the symbol found on the goddess's clothing. The symbol proved to Libé that this was real. Or at least, that whatever the vision of the goddess was, he was still there. "Those pods should have been wardrobes." he mumbled to himself. The pod next to his had a little girl in it. And when I say 'little girl' I don't just mean 'female child' but I mean everything you'd associate with the words 'little girl'. Including even the unicorn on her t-shirt. Libé wondered if it was strange to find a child here. This mostly raised the question. If the goddess selects humans for this world. What criteria does she base her selection on?