Thrum. The induction field once again began fueling the Dreamer, allowing him to conserve his own aesr energies. The dozen or so small balls of plasma began rotating slowly around the Dreamer, their orbits extending out as far as four-feet and as close as a foot. Between the orbiting balls, a dark streamer of siedhr followed them, diffusing and scattering light as they began forming a powerful magnetic field from the plasma balls. The man known as Scion released the post he used to anchor him, his pallor different, and his movements not as fluid; all of which was recorded and examined closely by a thousand Dreamers attempting to understand the man completely. Moving, the man drew his staff, perhaps a wiser choice than the small dagger and tonfa had been. Perhaps not, the question is how adept the man was actually at using a stave as a weapon, after all, it was an art as any other martial weapon. Skallagrim stepped forward as the moved, his pace matching Scions, observing the spinning staff, observing his footwork, and his hand placement. It all would give a hint to how the man might strike, and along what lines the counter should take to effect a non-lethal blow. With a sudden darting, Scion shot to Skallagrim’s left, and the Dreamer moved in kind, keeping the man in front of him. Moving along a parallel path and never allowing the man a moment’s peace as he kept pace, constantly staying in front of Scion. The war sword held ready in a middle guard, the dagger, surging and lashing dark energies around. All the while, the glowing plasma balls moved rapidly in their orbits building up the magnetic field around the Dreamer. The choice to not kill the man required a change in tactics, a different approach to the fight, instead of hunting the man to kill, he was now hunting to maim. Skallagrim would have to dispatch the man; perhaps hamstring him, remove an arm or even break some bones. There would be further thinking, as for now the Dreamer merely matched pace, all the while studying the man seeking an opening to shoot in and strike.