[img]http://xbox360media.ign.com/xbox360/image/article/109/1099089/e3-2010-red-faction-armageddon-images-20100616005007869_640w.jpg[/img][hider=Second picture][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/redfaction/images/0/08/20100727_x360_Red_Faction-_Armageddon_50914_RFA_Concept_Art_9.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130714115719[/img][/hider] Name: Vincent Trask Alias: Darius Holoway Age: 26 Species: Human (with subtle genetic modification) Gender: Male Crew Position: Crewman Appearance: As seen above ht: 6' even wt: 223 Hair: It would be dark brown, if he grew it out. Hair is as seen in the pictures. Eyes: One can't usually see, but they're a stormy grey. If one looked closely enough, they might be able to see the tiny glowing blue wires that flag the implants in his eyes for a personal heads-up display into his eyesight. Biography: While very few people actually know it, Trask is synonymous to 'master rebel.' Throughout the years, many rebellions and revolutions came to fruition because of a Trask joining up, and beating back the enemy through any means possible. This has lead to several rebellions successes, and to Trask becoming a somewhat legendary name among those who wish to be above their masters. As a result, only the black markets and smaller nations will allow any of the Trasks- in larger nations, Trask is synonymous to "Shoot on sight." There are usually one or two generations between revolutions where Trasks are just another hardworking family like everyone else. Vincent, or as he prefers, Darius was born second-generation on a moon that successfully revolted against FUP control. The moon having little that was actually special about it, besides having a lot of ice and ore, was left alone and traded with instead. While it appeared to make its livelihood off the trade between their former masters, the moon was also somewhat centrally located, and had a roaring black market, which brought in much of its income. The Trasks were owners of part of the black market, and Vincent wanted to get out. So he joined the next somewhat foreign ship heading out, leaving friends, family, and all those goody contacts behind, and took the name, Darius Holoway.