I'm definitely interested. Also if you need a historical advisor I'm a university student of history (currently in my third year) and I've studied the Crusades (both from European, Arabic and Byzantine perspectives) fairly extensively... I also have a shelf dedicated to the subject (random note: Thomas Asbridge is a fantastic source for the Crusades - it's accessible but very detail heavy so be warned!) As for the setting I'm up for Jerusalem for two reasons: It's more interesting as a period of history as there's a lot going on at the time on both sides (the fall of Byzantium in 1453 was more the epilogue of the Crusades rather than an actual chapter in it), there are some fantastically interesting figures in the period and, most importantly for me, I know more about it >.<. (Oh, also, about the demographic of the First Crusade: There was the People's Crusade beforehand which was made of peasants which was slaughtered; a few of these joined the actual First Crusade and they were generally from France (specifically Southern) while the nobles were largely from France (Provence, Toulouse and a few others like Godfrey de Bouillon) with a smattering of Italians (Bohemond of Taranto, for example who stole Antioch)). PS: I won't be a stickler for historical fact - but if it's wanted I'm here.