Sven's arm was on fire and the tattoo was glowing so bright it was almost hard to look at. [color=ed145b]I guess today's the day[/color] he said to a woman who was passing by who was giving him a knowing look as he opened the back door and slipped into the cab. The pain only got worse when he got in the cab, it felt like someone was going to town on his arm with a pvc pipe. As he settled himself in the back of the cab he looked at the driver, and his heart skipped a beat. She was young, so young in fact if his arm wasn't screaming at him "hey she's the one" he wouldn't have even given her a second glance, well ok maybe a second glance, but nothing past that. However considering how his whole arm felt like a prolonged cigarette burn he did take a closer look at her, and everything from her soft brown eyes, to the crazy hair style, all the way to the wacky colors on her fingers appealed to his younger less sensible self. Sven hissed as another wave of heat came from his wrist [color=ed145b]take me to 5th and central please[/color] he said while clutching his hand to his chest, [color=ed145b]oh and out of curiosity your name wouldn't happen to be Ashley Daniels would it[/color] he asked in a mild Latvian accent?