Fate Tied in a Knot: [img=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090716061331/azumanga/images/2/25/Yomimanga.jpg] Name: Emma Kauniainen Country: Finland Gender: female Age: 17 Personality: Emma is pretty calm, and even shy, due to her past, mostly. She doesn't know exactly how to communicate with people very well. Usually when she speaks with people, it's either about things from school or it ends because the partner gets bored of her shy way of talking. So, she is not [b]connected[/b] to People very much History: Emma's life has never been really easy. When she started school, Everything was pretty normal. She even got some Friends. Everything was fine, until she moved to junior High school. Because she didn't have much Friends and because of her excellent grades, people started to talk some Bad things about her. Emma was totally unaware about This, until her All Friends left her All alone. They didn't want to become bullied because of her. Some days later, some girls started to say Bad things to her, and some of them even threw snowballs at her. A couple of months later, she discovered "This boy" at her school. His name was Aleksi. immediately fell in love. She couldn't go to him because she didn't have the courage to do that. But one day, Aleksi came to ask some help to his home work. Emma was good at almost Everything in school, So This could be her chance. Aleksi came to ask some homework help later on toi, and they became Friends. One day, Emma finally had the courage to say: "I kinda love You" Aleksi looked at her and said: "You're really nice, but I'm not gonna date a nerd." Emma was crushed. She went to High School, bullying stopped, but she was Still alone. What does Your character think of having a Soul mate: It would be nice. Someone to love. Or at least a friend. Theme Song: [youtube]oH6EcZSLvMk[/youtube]