[h2]Penoraya T'mivus - Raya[/h2] When Daro stepped behind her, she was relieved that she didn't make it a big deal. She stood still as the Quarian cleaned and inspected the wound, which hurt but she kept her face from showing it. That was until Daro whispered something about bosh'tets and bombs, this made her smirk. But the smirk was quickly replaced when Daro told her to stand still and began to pull out whatever it was that was lodged in her back. The pain would of caused most to buckle or cry out, but she kept her face as normal as possible. She did bite the inside of her lip and her body tensed while in her mind she screamed, but unless you were looking for such signs of pain you would of thought she was just pissed off about something. Once the debris was out Raya gave a small grunt and took a deep breath in before letting it out slowly. She nodded at Daro without saying anything, she didn't feel like she needed to. She knew that Daro knew she was grateful, so no words needed to be spoken. Raya looked over at Nik just in time to see him dash his head on the Krogan crest. She smirked again thinking about how her father said that it was okay to headbutt things, and she out of all her sisters did it to pretty much anything that moved, much to her father's pleasure and mothers dismay. She shook her head to clear the thoughts of the past, she watched as the Krogan and the rest of his squad launched a defensive. She knew they were going to die, but damn if they weren't going down hard. The team was walking away, but she watched the wall a little longer as the men began open fire. She turned slowly before jogging up to the team, which hurt like a bitch, but it wasn't too bad now. Though she was sure that Daro would disapprove of such actions after the mini operation. She reached the team in time to hear Nik's comment about how this was getting very complicated, then Daro's question and the others response to her. [color=blue]"For the team sure it's big, but if you want big take someone out who has political power and is well respected."[/color] She said coolly as she remembered taking out an Asari Matriarch. The Matriarch was powerful and respected by those on the Citadel Council, but damn if that Asari didn't have a dark side. She had a hand in the slave and drug trade, she took family members of other political leaders and threatened to kill them if they didn't comply to her demands. In all she was evil and had many followers. Of course Raya didn't take her out on her own, no, she had a team of Asari that pretended to be followers of the Matriarch. It was a bloody fight and she lost all of her team once she reached the damn Matriarch. What was funny though was that the Asari thought she could talk Raya out of killing her. But those talks didn't last long and a fight soon took its place. They fought for many hours until they were both tired and reduced to hand to hand combat, Raya won by choking her to death. What was great though was that no one knew what happened to Matriarch, as those that were on her team were dressed like those that followed the damn Asari. So it was a "great mystery" on who killed everyone. Raya never told the team about her exploits and things she had done in the past, but then they didn't ask much. [color=blue]"You do realize Ardan, that is exactly what we are doing now? Offing Jek's competition so he will become the power house in this area."[/color] She said as she checked her gun and looked back up at the back of their newest team members head before commenting on the humans. [color=blue]"Don’t be too angry at the humans, they are simply quick learners and know when to take an opportunity when it arises.... Don't think that your species was any different, indeed all our species took opportunities even if those opportunities were not for the good of all. It's just some species are quicker to take them than others." [/color] She said coolly. She knew that her little speech would get her little love from Haze, but he knew her well enough to get over it (maybe not right away though). Ardan would probably get pissy and tell her off or something but she could careless. She looked over at Nik seeing if he wanted her to stop talking, though it was mostly to see if she was in trouble for making such a comment. [i][color=a187be]Goddess, who would of thought I would be acting like this. Seeking permission to speak![/color][/i] She thought as a light smile played on her lips.