[b]Vestus[/b] As Vestus paced for at least for awhile he started to hear the voice again. [color=9e0b0f]"You have no use for pacing around you should embrace your new destiny Vestus..."[/color] And the voice left him again he felt different inside almost stronger or just different and another feeling was of warmth and heat , he felt like a furnace except he wasn't fazed by the heat at all he embraced it. He decided that he should find if anyone else had yet left their pods because it had been a while since his last check and he now heard a couple or at least a few voices around the area so he approached towards the direction where he heard two people conversing with each other he approached and waved at the two of them walking with a bit more purpose and resolve he definitely felt more important. [@Minnakht],[@Flora] "Hello there," Vestus said with eagerness and a bit of relief in his voice. "You two heard the voice as well right?" He asked getting a few nods and he obviously knew they had heard the voice as well because why would they be here if he was the only one who heard the voice which he now thought was probably some divine being by the sound of the voice. "Anyways my name is Vestus or you can call me "Guts" for short but enough about me," Vestus said in a bored tone. "What are your names?" Vestus tackled the topic quickly and was curious about these peoples pasts.