Ajax chuckled softly as Daxon asked her twenty questions, he simply stood there holding her in his arms still as she banged on his chest. "Well my love," he said keeping up the image that they were together, " this is a small pastime of mine. I only do this every once in awhile. Maybe once a month, why did you follow me here?" he asked. Just as he spoke his last words the ring leader called his name, sighing he leaned down and kissed her once more. Picking her up in his arms a he did so, so she couldn't weasel her way out. Setting her back down he smiled a rather bright and hidden smile. "Please go My love, I would rather you not watch this," he said smiling, though deep down he was ashamed and kind of sad. He turned and walked away, making his way to the ring. His fight tonight was not going to be a normal fight, where he would go a few rounds then KO the other guy. No tonight he was losing on purpose, he had a debate to pay and this is what the debt collector wanted....fame. Ajax took a deep breath and squared up to fight, his pose was not that of a normal fighter for England. He had leaned many different styles over his life time, but his favorite was Maui Tai. As the fight started Ajax would move about, dodging and weaving, making small strikes here and there. Making it look like a powerful attack but he would pull back at the last second. As the man would make his strikes he would act as if they were harmful to him, just as the man kicked him in the knee he went down. His fist hit the ground holding himself up, trying to make it look believable. the man moved in for the finally strike, taking a breath Ajax moved quickly and stood back up as the man twisted and connected with his neck. Ajax nodded slightly to the man as he nodded back mouthing thank you quickly. Ajax went down, he was bleeding and rather bruised up from the opening he had left. He laid there "unconscious", it took 3 men to pick him up and take him to the infirmary, or rather the make shift one. As he laid there he took breaths as usual but kept his eyes closed, making himself limp as not to make others think he through the fight. ----- It seemed as though this rough man rather liked holding Daxin in his arms as he made sure to keep her from slipping out of his grasp. The girl halfheartedly pulled her body from him in an attempt to get free. Sadly she was unable to and when Ajax spoke in a soft tone that made prickles move up her back Daxin felt even more helpless. My love. His words were sweet and melting as the skin of her cheaks burned with embarrassment. The girl closed her eyes and did her best to fight a smile from pulling its way to her face. this was not going to work but then again she remebered that he was trying to protect her. That awful pub rat was bound to be keeping his eyes on her after she had snuck in after her brute of a Minotaur killing, animal loving Ajax. Daxin frownd when the man started to explain himself to her. Pastime? The thought loomed in her mind and suddenly Daxin was brought back when Ajax asked her why she was even in such a dirty, grungy place such as this. Daxin was about to take a moment to ponder a answer when Ajax was called up to the ring. She frowned as he let go of her and moved his way to the center for his fight. Before the match the girl sized up Ajax's aponent with ease. The man was human and with one punch Ajax wa bound to send him flying or to a deep sleep. She simply had no doubt that the victor was going to be Ajax. He was favorite and most worthy. Once the bell was wrung Daxin was all to egar to cheer for Ajax but suddenly it changed when his srikes did not land, his aponenst hits landed and Ajax seemed to be in pain.....WAS THAT REALLY PAIN? Was this HUMAN really harming the mighty Ajax protecter of the forest and Minotaur killer? He was an outstanding fighter and Daxin was baffled that he could even be brought to harm. She grumbled to herself as the last hit was taken and Ajax was on the floor. How could this happen? Why was he letting it happen? A bit of anger built up inside the girl as she watched some humans struggle to lift the man off the floor. DAxin scoffed was she had her arms crossed. This was just not going to do. No wonder he wanted her to leave. He did no want her to see him fall by the hand of a measily human. The man was obviously going to throw a fight and he wanted her not to wittness it. Daxin felt her fist tigthen in annoyance and she badly wanted to question him and maybe give him a strike of her own. Quickly Daxin turned around and moved her way to the table that Ajax had left his belongings. She scouped them up and stommped her way to the infirmary ready to give Ajax a piece of her mind. Daxin payed no heed as she intruded on Ajax laying down. The angry woman slapped his coat and shirt on his bare stomach with force before she crossed her arms and turned her shoulder to him. "I expect you will explain this later if you still want me to acompany you to that party your oh so throwing for the season," she growled. --- Ajax opened a single eye and smirked slightly, closing it quickly as he heard footsteps and making a poker face. The "doctor" walked in and through his bag on the chair, "So the mighty have fallen have they?" he sad chuckling pulling out his stethoscope. Placing it on Ajax's chest he listened carefully, "well he isn't dead" he chuckled. Daxon snapped her eyes to the doctor, "No mortal man can harm my Mighty Ajax," she growled looking back at the wall. The doctor looked at the women and raised a brow, "No what? never mind" he said quickly pulling a few things from his bag and wrapping Ajax's wounds. "He is surprisingly lucky, those strikes from Lord Arlen where dead on. I guess Maui Tai is no match for kick boxing." he said shrugging. "Anyway watch over...," he was cut of as two women ran into the room throwing themselves on Ajax. Ajax did not move, he knew it would all be bad I he "woke" up right now with Daxon in the room as well. So Ajax laid there as the girls cried and fought over whom was going to take care of Sir Nerio, the Doctor shook his head and walked out after packing his things. The blonde of the two started to scream louder as she saw that Ajax was wrapped in bandages, "Sir Nerio please be okay, I wont leave your side till you are healed I promise." The redhead snapped her head to the blonde and with tear filled eyes, "No you whore I will be the one taking care of him, I am in fact the one that knows him best, I have kissed him in fact you haven't" Just then the girls looked back at Daxon, "and who are you, you shouldn't be here whence" they both said. Looking back at Ajax they cried and started to fight again over whom was going to watch over him. Things started to escalate as the girls started to pull each others hair and slap one another. Just as one of the women bumped the bed, smoothing fell from Ajax's coat. It was a flawless sapphire, shaped into the form of an Owl with emerald eyes. ---- Daxin was listening to the doctor as he spoke about Maui Tai. This was really annoying having to listen to such rubbish. The girl had her arms crossed and soon two young ladies stumbled in the room with tears. They cried and the blond spoke with a bit too familiarity over Ajax. "Sir Nerio please be okay, I wont leave your side till you are healed I promise." the woman cried. Daxin rolled her eyes at the scene knowing that these two were just a few of his whores or admirers. She took a deep breath and watched as the other got angry and spoke. "No you whore I will be the one taking care of him, I am in fact the one that knows him best, I have kissed him in fact you haven't" the redhead sarted and jus as soon as she barked at the other the two turned to Daxin with question. "and who are you, you shouldn't be here whence" One said. Whence? Daxin was not having any of this. The woman took a step forward as she smiled maliciously. Her dark orbs studying the two from nose to heel as a preditor would its prey. "Who am I?" she asked curiously as her heels began to circle the two girls. "I do believe that such a question IS MINE to be asking." her eyes narrowed as she spat. "Do you silly little girls even know who you are even crying over? How long have you even known this man? A month? hmmm?.....A year? hmmm?....I doubt so. Or maybe you have known him falf his life and have played in the sand with him as toddlers?.." her eyes scanned both confused faces. "That is enough. I am sick of your crying and sobbing over him." she stopped her feet and turned to Ajax. A soft sweet smile pulled at her lips as she thought about how kind he was to her when she was younger then it all faded away when she remembered that two childeren were crying over him. Her eyes moved back to them. "I dont believe you even know what he is capable of....The tiniest of minds could not even fatham and...yet here you are trying to state your claim over him you little insects," Both girls were flustered by Daxin now. The woman was talking down to them as though she knew him well. Who was she anyways? In anger the redhead stepped forward as Daxin slowly reached a hand to the side of Ajax's face and was about to stroke his cheak. The girl Raised her hand ans striked it across Daxins face with force. Daxin growled from the pain and turned her eyes to the girl before she pounced on her attacker. Daxin grabbed a fist full of hair and slammed the girls head against the wall nearby. Daxin tossed the girl on the floor and stood up straight beconing for the other to aproach as well. Sadly Daxin was not going to be able to teach the other a lesson since both girls srunk back out of arms reach. "GET OUT!" Daxin ordered the two as she took a step forward. Both girls seemed to baffled and scared to fight back so they turned on their heels and ran. When Daxin turned back to Ajax she noticed that in her squable that something was on the floor. Her eyes narrowed in and soon spotted the sappihre that was the shape of an owl. Daxins eyes grew wide in shock but soon she swooped down and snatched the item from the floor. She stood cradling it in her fingers as she studied it. COuld this really be? Daxin turned to Ajax and aimed her fist into his stomach. "stop playing dead already you fool," --- Ajax caught Daxin's wrist pulling her to him, the cradled gem fell as he did this. Catching it in his hand he set it on the chair, wrapping his arms around her he cradled her like a man would his loved one. "I am sorry you had to see that, I threw that fight for...a friend. An about the girls thank you for getting rid of the annoying pests, and so you know the kiss she was talking about was a kiss on the cheek that she turned and kissed me; then ran off." he chuckled, "Nothing like ours." He said taking her delicate face in his rather large rough hands, pulling her chin up he kissed her once more. As he did he heard soft sobs and quick foots steps from the door, not caring he released the kiss from her lips. Yet it felt more like tearing part of his own flesh from half flayed skin. Sighing he simply held her in his arms, closing his eyes he finally felt whole. Daxin fit to him as if he and she were born this way, or so he felt. He did not know what she felt or how she felt about him. Hell she might just be doing what Athena did, as he thought his arms loosened and his heart seemed to sink. He could not lose someone else. That is why he...hide from there world, why he ran instead of fighting. A single tear fell from his eye, sliding down his cheek. Shaking his head he put a smile on and opened his eyes looking to Daxin. "I am sorry. please forgive.......your mighty Ajax, will you?" he said that with as much happiness as possible. Yet deep down in his soul it felt like a demon was speaking to him telling him the most pessimistic things possible. Mostly about how Daxin was only using him. Ajax tried to fight the thoughts back, tried to fight the voices in his head. No Daxin was here she would not do that to him. Then as if that thought triggered a memory, he saw Daxin's face when he had fallen from Olympus. He had not paid attention before, only seeing Athena turn her back on him no tears in her eyes. No the one with tears was Daxin, she even had her arm stretched out to him as Athena pulled her away from the balcony. Ajax snapped back to reality, did that really happen? Clearing his throat he decided to ask, "Squirt, did you cry for me when you saw me falling from Olympus?" he asked softly and very low, so low that only she could hear him speak. His voice was not its usual gruff and harsh sound. No something seemed to have changed, as if he was in pain; as if he was raging an internal battle with himself. ----- Daxin yelped when Ajax grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms. She was not expecing it from him since he was oly trying to apease the pub dog to save Daxin. She felt her cheaks warm up and her lips quivered trying to smile again. The girl battled it and closed her eyes as he started to explain himself. THis situation was not going to get any better she felt as she simply ignored his words. "Nothing like ours." That brought Daxin back to the conversation. Ours? She opened her eyes and looked at him but soon his hands were at her face and Daxin could feel him pull her into a soft kiss. His hot lips with rough texture seemed to pull her in even after he had stopped. Daxins eyes melted shut and a soft moan escaped her lips. The girl snapped her eyes open and moved her lips from his as she tried to keep him from seeing her reaction. Daxin closed her eyes as he held her to him. It felt as though he did not want to let go since he sayed holding her for such a long period of time. "I am sorry. please forgive.......your mighty Ajax, will you?" Daxin looked up at him as he spoke. She scoffed at him and pouted her lips. "Just this once!" Daxin spat out quickly and moved her eyes from him. THis was awful. The anger she had felt was not here at the moment. RIght now she wanted to stay in his arms and yet she had no idea why. This man was sily trying to tease her. "Squirt, did you cry for me when you saw me falling from Olympus?" DAxin rolled her eyes at his words. Oh he was using such a childish way to address her. Daxin did her best to not let her mind wonder back to that time. It was long ago and left many heartbreaks in his trail. "Now is not the time to be speaking bou this you. Also why did you throw a fight?" her eyes narrowed as she watched him. "That is not the Ajax I know. Who are you?" She ondered why she was even asking him this when he did explain it was for a friend. A fight thrown for a friend was odd but she took a deep breathe. "Please Ajax. Lets leave this pub and be on our way to a cleaner place," she slowly plaed a finger under his chin knowing that he was feeling a bit down. " I want to spend more time with you and yet things keep coming inbetween us," she smiled softly. Daxin bit her lower lip as she looked at him. "Was rooting for you to win that fight. You are my favorite champion you know that right?" the blue eyed girl smirked softly.