The thieves and archer surrounding the champion of Naga failed to notice two figures not a dozen feet away, sitting outside a small shop in the alley the boy had ducked down. The place was a small, local store that only locals typically frequented or even realized existed, but the older man between the two of them was an experienced wanderer and had come across the place last time he had passed through Yllistol and thought it was a good place to stop for a rest. The younger girl was keeping half an eye on her horse, which was tethered to a nearby post as the two ate their meals in peace. Well, peace until the bounty hunters went and tried to collect. The older man, relatively speaking since he was only really in his mid twenties, but was much older comparitevly to the younger healer woman, sighed as he saw the violence break out. [color=9e0b0f]"Ach, we cannae find a days peace without some damn fools going violent in greed after a lad, eh Niya? Reckon we intervene on 'is behalf, savvy?"[/color] The younger woman quietly sipped from the drink before her, far weaker than she was used to but it would certainly suffice. The healer had her staff resting against the table as she listened to the man speak and she shook her head slightly. The young tactician, judging from his garb, was in well over his head and would probably need a hand or two in dispatching the bounty hunters. She stood up, collecting her staff and looking down at the mercenary who stood up with a grunt, sword sheathed at his side as he looked at the healer with a loose grin. The woman spoke briefly, already turning towards her horse, resigned to the fact the man was about to engage the bounty hunters on the young tactician's behalf. She intended to return to her horse and observe, to mend any injuries that might crop up from the upcoming violence. [color=0076a3]"You cannot leave well enough alone, Jerod. I'll be on the horseback if needed."[/color] Jerod snorted, turning towards the surrounded lad and drew his blade, making a very distinct, clean noise that should be very familiar to the scoundrels ganging up on the lad. Face matched some posters he had seen, some nonesense about heresy and crime against the church, but frankly the mercenary wasn't really concerned with that. These rogues gave Jerod a bad taste in his mouth, figuratively speaking, and he was not fond of that situation. Besides, he and the church never see eye to eye, so he intended to give em a swift kick to the groin. Advancing, he opened combat without a word, attacking the closest thief without wasted time, a powerful cross strike that would leave him in a good defensive stance if he didn't bring the thief down low, forcing everyone in front of the lad and mercenary, speaking harshly now. [color=9e0b0f]"Alright, ye damned prancin' ninnies, these odds ain' fair at all. Now they are, but not fer you lot."[/color] Niya untied her horse from the hitch she had left him at, and quickly hauled herself up and onto the saddle, turning the horse without a word. Despite her penchant for cheap shots, no one expected them from a healer, she was not, by definition, a combatant. So she brought the horse around to the rear of the young tactician and Jerod, foolhardy mercenary as he was, and he was indeed determined to intervene on the behalf of the tactician. Who he was was of no real concern to Niya, but she been stuck all but babysitting Jerod most of the time, so she was hardly ready to abandon ship, as it were, and just ride off without the man now. Damn the oath she had sworn some days, this man was getting her into all sorts of trouble it seemed. Thankfully they were not an official envoy of any land, or this could be rather complicated. [color=0076a3]"Call wounds out, or I can't mend them. I am not psychic and cannot know injuries the moment they happen."[/color]