[h2][center]Nathaniel[/center][/h2] _This is getting even more interesting._ The two women, Angela and Elizabeth, seem to know each other. Pondering on this for a moment, he does not know if this might mean that there is some sort of connection between the kidnappees. He raises his palm to rest his chin in it before closing his eyes. There will be time enough to get that information, so he might as well focus on the conversation. Opening his eyelids to form a small slit, he looks towards Elizabeth. He did not let her comment before get to him, but he was itching to respond. "Besides, I may indeed be a dolt, since all I know may now be worthless," a simple smile crossed his face and he opened his eye wide, "but I don't see the problem with trying to be formal." With a slight shrug, he was about to continue his conversation but the new arrival stopped any thought of that in his tracks. His imposing form took Nathaniel a moment to take in, but as the man was introducing himself Nathaniel pushed his shoulders off the wall to stand straight up once again. Dodging the posed question about the voices, since he wanted to hear if the others compare their own first, Nathaniel skipped straight to an introduction. "Hello, Vestus. My name is Nathaniel, and it is a pleasure to meet you." Bowing his upper body slightly, Nathaniel then leans for a third time in a short while against the wall behind him. His new plan was to hopefully observing the conversations between the others while piecing together the information he already knows. He now knew at least one other person had heard voices, but if it was the same voice, that is something that he did not know yet.