[center][img]https://vgboxart.com/resources/logo/2252_thor-prev.png[/img][/center] Fury called down to the room where SHIELD was holding Thor. Despite her massive height, she looked somewhat smaller trapped in the small room, shoulders slumped in disappointment. Jill was having a coffee with Thor, shaking like a leaf which came as little surprise given how easily Thor could snap her in half not that that was likely to happen. Though the sight of the fallen former Goddess was quite sad, Jill's visible nervousness was a tad comical. Fury kept a straight face, he couldn't appear overly empathetic since he didn't even know Thor's cause, at least, not as well as he'd like, Loki was still a mystery to him, and Thor, despite her blunt explanation, was still a mystery as well. She could have made up her entire story, even though it appeared as if she couldn't possibly formulate a cohesive lie given her genuine ignorance of human technology and society. "Thor?" Fury said, her head shot up to look at Fury. "Have you found out more about Loki?" she asked. Fury shook his head, they'd told her enough, they'd shown her that SHIELD were monitoring Loki, they couldn't give away all their information, they'd need to hang onto what they had in case she needed to be called back in again. If they told her about Loki now, they'd have nothing left to bargain with her again and Fury wasn't prepared to let her go entirely, she could be a valuable ally, she'd already showed just how powerful she was though he suspected Thor was even more powerful than she let on. "We've been trying to figure out what to do with you." he explained. "Do you seek to keep me here much longer? I came here of my own free will, but I am beginning to feel as if I'm being held captive" she said, folding her arms over her chest, she didn't want to resort to intimidation, but she was prepared to go there. "We're prepared to let you go, we're well aware if you wanted to leave we may not possess the man-power to stop you" he admitted, of course that was a massive maybe, perhaps they could have gunned her down if it came to it, it wasn't worth the risk. "I'd hoped I wouldn't have to resort to such extreme measures" Thor responded. "And we're glad you didn't. We've contacted Dwight and we're dropping you off at his apartment." Fury offered no explanation of why she was suddenly allowed to go when ... well she hadn't done much really. Thor prevented herself from quizzing Fury about why she was suddenly being let go but decided against it, for fear he'd change his mind and she'd resort to ... [i]dangerous[/i] measures to escape at a later point. Finally, Thor was back to a remotely familiar environment, Dwights place, slumped over his coffee table eating a hastily ordered take out, though for once, Thor wasn't devouring her meal earnestly, she was poking some chop suey with a fork and showed little interest in eating right away. "What happened there? In SHIELD?" Dwight asked, neatly manipulating some noodles with a pair of chopsticks. "I know I haven't known you all that long but, I've never seen you play with your food, you usually just eat it." Thor sighed "I told them what they wanted, they told me what they knew about Loki, then they just left me in a room and I had time to think." "What did you think about?" Dwight asked. "I thought about my fate ... About Loki ... all that he took from me... They think he is a hero here ... He took my world ... everything..." "And you're gonna let him spoil your appetite too? Didn't have you down for a quitter Tara" Dwight retorted. Thor perched her elbows on the table. "No!" she said indignantly, stabbing the now-sorta-cold take-out on her plate and taking a mouthful. "See, I knew you wouldn't quit that easily. Now finish your dinner and we'll go do some googling" Thor smiled to herself. Humans were strange indeed, but she admired them, at least, she admired Dwight and others like him. He was a truly good friend, if he wasn't so incredibly fragile and dreadfully uncoordinated, he'd have made a great Asgardian warrior. There was a fire in his heart, she could tell.