[b]NAME[/b]: Saranath [b]ALIAS[/b]: The Scaled Emperor [b]GENDER[/b]: Male [b]RACE[/b]: Avatar [b]APPEARANCE[/b]: fifty feet high, fifteen feet wide, the chromatic arrangement of his scales, be they many or in uniform placement, varies wildly from time to time; as a fully colored dragon, black, white, red ; sometimes being a shining Star Dragon, and sometimes appearing more like a massive blue dragon, with it's scales being far superior than the greatest steel. [b]HISTORY[/b]: Sauranath as the avatar was created during the invasion of Dragons that nearly became a full scale war. The Arch Dragon Lord soared through the winds on his massive wings, bringing with him tremendous power. He resides in the continent of Orabakh in the largest Dragon Lairs, when he doesn't travel around the world, seeing new sites and new things, new people and growing in knowledge of the land. He has not had battles, as there are few who even approach anything resembling a threat to him on the world. He is responsible for giving the name of Orabil on the world down below, where it was once just the name of a giant, sapient tree, because the Arch Dragon Lord Sauranath had destroyed the World Tree, not knowing it brought light to the world down below. [b]PERSONALITY[/b]: Sauranath is just as his other self happens to be. He seems to be a great helper to mortals on the world, saving villages and other such settlements from destruction by raiders and calamity. The Arch Dragon Lord is respectful and old, giving warning to the places on the world down below that become smitten with disaster before they occur. [b]ALIGNMENT[/b]: Neutral Good