Ello all. It's about frigging time that I found an active RPG forum online that didn't look too, umm... Culty? Yeah, we're going with that, culty. So, here's the short and skinny version of this introduction: I've been RPing for some many years now, and writing for almost as many. Nothing huge, mind you, my biggest claim to fame was storyline and flavor text for a couple smaller online game companies, a few business pieces, and a lot of talking myself up to strangers on the 'net. I'm here because I miss the crunch of a good forum RPG, and the savory nuttiness that comes with the open freedom it allows with character development. It's the story, for me. How does this character develop? What happens next? Will I work well with my fellow players? Also, I haven't run a forum RPG in a very long time. I'm rusty as all hell, but I'm looking to jump into it ASAP. My playing/GMing background runs heavily along the lines of AD&D (second edition, the only way to fly) and Shadowrun (anything after 3rd edition should probably be burned). To a lesser extent, I have been involved with Marvel, Human Occupied Landfill, Nightlife, and a handful of others. I am still interested in expanding my horizons, so if someone can present me with a compelling storyline I'd love to jump in. If you can provide me with a tried-and-true comfort one, I'll be just as apt. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I look forward to meeting the lot of you in play.