It seemed despite her attempts to close herself off from the world, someone would always try and force their way into her bubble. When Ada started barraging her with questions she sighed audibly, and shot the older girl an annoyed look, pointedly not speaking until she'd paused her music and removed the earbuds, which she intentionally took extra time doing. [color=f7941d]“It's not like we have to do everything together, Ada. If you wanna get out there's plenty of opportunity.”[/color] She didn't look at her fellow scrounger as she spoke, her eyes were focused on carefully, almost ritualistically, wrapping up the cord of her earbuds and slipping them and her music player into a hidden pocket. After finishing she finally looked over at the other girl, her face rather hard to read, as it tended to be. [color=f7941d]“Listen, I know work's been slow, but I've been working on something. Vito might have a job for us soon. I know he's not exactly given us the safest jobs but hey, they pay well, right? After one of his crazy schemes I'm sure we'll have plenty of surplus cash to pay for all your fancy clothes.”[/color] She happened to finish her sentence just a brief moment before Keith walked by, to whom she paused to wave at casually. The other scroungers always seemed nervous around him but she always enjoyed his company, even if it was really just the two of them sitting in silence, it was somehow nicer than being alone.