Sel nodded and listened to his explanation of what he had seen, the fact that it came off as a shapeless being sparked more interest in her as it started off a theory of what it could be. The more that she listened the more that it started to become clear to her that it was likely what she had suggested before. Though she let him finish the whole thing before she would speak up, after all she did not want to miss out a important detail on the matter. [color=fff79a][b]"I see." [/b][/color]Taking another gulp of her drink Sel let the can rest on her left before she started [color=fff79a][b]"Hmm, I don't think you have to worry much to worry about. It sounds like what I suspected before; the stress of seeing the planet like this is having a effect on you. Understandable."[/b][/color] She tried to put it nice as possible, after all he didn't need to start feeling it was his fault he was feeling this way. [color=fff79a][b]"I understand humans, and some others, have a concept of something called ghosts? Given what you saw I suspect you are seeing them because of stress. It is ok to take a break, more so now than ever."[/b][/color] Vexi didn't really have such concepts, though they did have their own, just ghosts never showed up.