(Please take note, this RP is coming from the Kickstarter campaign for Blue Rose RPG. I saw it and said I absolutely, positively cannot wait until the game is released in 2016- this idea is just TOO fun! Not sure about the rules for posting links to outside sights, but the campaign is still going and there's a lot of information on there; personally, it got me excited enough to pull out my old RPG books from the original game.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the mythical world of Aldea, the Kingdom of Aldis stands as a beacon of hope among the nations of the world that have suffered so much since the collapse of the Old Kingdom centuries ago. Aldis is a Kingdom ruled by a monarch not chosen by heredity, but by literal divine right- an otherworldly being known as the Golden Hart chooses the king or queen on the passing of the previous monarch. Nobility is likewise chosen by examination of intellect and right intention. Aldis has been ruled by men and women, gay and straight, rich and poor. And through it all, it has prospered among its neighbors. Love and Light are treasured as primary values, diversity is a source of strength, and the people live under the protection of the Knights of the Blue Rose, the elite of the Sovereign's forces. Amphibious and androgynous Sea Folk can be found along the coast and living among the lakes and rivers of the heartland where they fish, plumb the depths for treasure, sail ships and cultivate pearl beds before coming ashore to revel with humans. The Roamers, descendants of an ancient magical Empire, move from town to town as merchants, fortune tellers and exotic performers, keeping their traditions alive. Humans in Aldis revere psychic power and healing magic, and study sorcery with a careful eye on its ruinous powers so that they can better combat its abusers. Refugees from the dark land of Kern are welcomed with open arms, for every person who escapes the grasp of the dreaded Lich King is another saved from a life of brutality and slavery in his ancient quest for power. Finally, the Rhyzan, telepathic and magical animals- horses, cats, wolves, birds, among many others- live and work alongside the people of Aldis as legal equals to humans. They often form empathic bonds with "two legs" to complete tasks they could not do alone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Players in this RP would be members of a traveling troupe known as "[u][b]The Wedding Band[/b][/u]," a group that travels from town to town, city to city, fulfilling the wishes of a wealthy and ailing noble, Lord Jaelis. Their patron is nearing the end of his life and he has only come to see that the wealth he's amassed through decades of hard work as a traveling merchant will do him no good in the afterlife. If Jaelis cannot take his mountains of gold to the afterlife, he must find a way to impress upon the gods of Light that he is worthy of the Afterlife. A reading from a Roamer fortune teller has revealed what the gods want most from Jaelis- that the bachelor of 50 years should find a way to make love flourish in the kingdom. And so the ailing lord has contracted YOU! Yes, [b]YOU![/b] This band of performers and seers to entertain guests, sorcerers to embellish the ceremonies with lavish effects, guardians to protect against those who might bring theft or even violence to such affairs, and priests to carry out the ceremonies, to seek out lovers young and old who wish to be joined forever in the sight of the sovereign and the Gods. But of course, between the parties and the travels, you've come across some disturbing events- farms destroyed, Rhyzan slain dead, and Shadowspawn of Kern running rampant in the woods- that have not been reported to the sovereign. The parties might just be over... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Why you might want to play in this RP: ~ You love diverse fantasy- seriously, this RPG has gay, bi, poly and trans GODS. This diversity extends to the humanoid characters players can make in the tabletop game as well (to the point where trans people in Aldis can change sex via a school of magic called "Flesh shaping". Seriously. When did D&D ever do that?) ~ You're tired of "Swords and Sorcery" fantasy. You've had enough of trudging through dungeons, bashing orcs with a mace, and rolling to see if you can cast down Evil Overlord #12 (that said, there is an evil overlord in this setting but his destruction is always ruled out as nigh impossible; his destruction is NOT the goal in this RP) ~ You want to play in and protect a kingdom WORTH defending. Westeros is all cool and realistic, but I'd never fight or die for any of those kings/queens. But as Aldis is represented in the RPG book, it's a kingdom worth fighting for. Is it perfect? No. There's corruption, crime and violence. But there's no Joffreys or Ramsay Boltons either. I'll leave this overnight and see if anyone might be interested. If so, I'll throw up a CS in the morning and start setting this up!