[quote=@ZB1996] [h1][b]Ruomahl/Rowan[/b][/h1] [@UnlosingRanger] Rowan supposed he missed some human social queue with one of his questions, which would explain Uriko's laughing. He hoped that he didn't mess up too badly. Nonetheless, maybe it was good that he was able to get her to smile and laugh. "My name's Rowan," he said again. For now, he'd be putting. on this suit, even though it was much too heavy. However, he couldn't start without he brothers. He could only be so much ahead of his brothers, even if that was all that was expected of them. It was good, however, that he got here first. Even so, they couldn't start in earnest until they arrived. He didn't want to have to wait too long. [/quote] [color=f26522]"Rowan, okay Rowan. We have to wait for everyone else to get here. I suggest you listen to everyone else for meetings. It's part of the learning process after all."[/color] Uriko puts her feet on the table and relaxes [color=f26522]"Course if they take too much longer I might have to drag them here myself... or maybe just you outside to get a headstart. Whatever sounds more fun."[/color]