[quote=@Ryver et Rhine] [@Rumpelstiltskin] definitely a question for Xodus since linked/unlinked only becomes more relevant in later chapters. From our discussion, Xodus has a concept going. :D And oooo, black girl! Like American black? [/quote] Hmm.. what images, behaviors, and ideas pop into your head when you say American black? Just curious as Smokini's father was black and American, but her mother was Israeli, which adds some beige to her. So she would actually be mulatto, I think? In any case, if any of you have any input on that kind of character, let me know, as I would definitely consider it along with my own research. Her father, Ethaniel Baine was your, I guess, typical alpha-male black guy with cornrows, always something to say, and a sweet spot for the ladies. His gender was written: [i]very male[/i]. Or something like that. Imagine if a fusion of Riddick and Samuel L. Jackson's character from Pulp Fiction was blind and even more wildly ornery when you least expect it. Well, not really [i]blind.[/i] He had a very unique pair of [b]ocular implants[/b] that rendered everyone as red wire-framed humanoid models, could see through walls, and such. But he wore a blindfold over that since scary Terminator eyes would really blow a covert agent's cover... unless it was Halloween or something. But he was constantly having to prove his worth to AMRO because he was a liability. So, back to the kids: of course, when it comes to AMRO, asylums aren't allowed to marry, have kids, or anything normal like that. Lots of sex, though. That's a given. I mean, it lightens their budget on stress-relieving drugs, but [i]yeaaaah...[/i]. And Ethan and Ilana (his partner) weren't exactly to-the-letter asylums, but they got things done when nobody else could and both were over 30 years of age. Most asylums don't get that many birthdays... but yeah, still remember some subplots for them, too. Man... I guess if it the child/protege link to them won't work for Smokini and Malthier, I [i]could[/i] bring back Ethan and Ilana. I do believe that [b]both[/b] of their Alch-Specs remain unspoken for. =) Not sure about asylum codes though. Except Ethan's. I know nobody ain't got his number. It was 6 digits long. LMAO. [quote=@Grif of Hearts] Look at how fantastic all that pink looks in the IC. You guys all love it, I can tell. [/quote] I find pank to be the most delicious and sensual of all colors in any shape or form. Unless it's a plant. [i]No thank you.[/i] Not interested in poisonous make-outs.