Food for thought, when you introduce a universe and state that mages and many abilities are learned from a young age, and then expect the players to make adults that have little to no skill in said magics that most adult npcs will have mastered, it really makes it hard to make a character and kills the immersion. [hider][img][/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Kavir Kahrhana [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Height:[/b] 5‘ 8“ [b]Weight:[/b] 214 lbs [b]Faction:[/b] (Outsider)Aura Shinobi [b]Personality: [/b] Kav is a friendly, kind hearted individual. As such is a person, raised as he was. A protector of the people. His training, his skills, all used to protect those less than himself. He always helps when he can, be it with a job, with a skill, or even with food. When crime is in front of him, he will not hesitate to stop it, but before punishment is dealt, he always tries to find the reason, but when it comes to justice, if deemed necessary, punishment will be swift and instant, with the bladed side of his sword. Kav always has a smile, but deep down he is a cold calculated killing machine. [b]Bio:[/b] For most of his life, Kavir lived off the streets and the garbage that came with it until a fateful meeting with an old vagrant, traveling man. This man, seeing the promise in him, when Kavir stood up to thugs to protect a friend and took the beating of his life. Broken and bloodied, this man took him in, healed him and lead him off with him for his journies around the lands. During this time, he taught him his martial arts, and eventually when this man became ill, passed on his sword, and his will. Since that day, Kavir travels village to village, seeing the world and helping do odds and ends for people. [b]Stats:[/b] STR: 9 AGI: 10 PER: 5 INT: 5 WIS: 6 CHA: 5 [b]Skills/Techniques:[/b] [b][Tech][/b] [u]Draw/Resheath:[/u] With one fluid motion the user, draws, slices and resheaths a sword and only once the sword clicks back into place, does the damage done become apparent. [b]Combat strategy:[/b] [b][Style][/b] His style is much like brawling but much more effective. He is skilled in hand to hand and full body contact and uses this to put down a foe as fast as possible. [b][Style][/b] When using his sword, there is no middle ground. Either you will die, or the opponent will die. The blade is a weapon of war, and if it is unsheathed, then war will be brought, and war will be won. [b][Strategy][/b] He usually tries to incapacitate a foe by any means necessary. There is not honor in a fight if you're dead. but also he does not draw his sword unless completely needed. Once the sword is drawn, so too will blood. [b]Armour:[/b] [b][Back][/b] Lightweight, but waterproof cloak [b][Chest][/b] Elegant lambskin/leather chest piece, maximum movement, little protection [b][Hands][/b] Heavy Cotton with Hardened Leather casing. [b][Legs][/b] Simply for freedom/silent movement [b][Feet][/b] Similar to his arms, slight protection to ankles/shins, Tabi shoes. [b]Weapon:[/b] [b][Sword][/b] [url=]Legendary Sword[/url] Entrusted to him by his Father. Kept on his side, or back as needed.