Scion hadn't counted on Skallagrim to able to match him step for step, never allowing him to move anywhere but right in front of him. If he thought it would help. He would have been glad to simply run them both right into the wave pool. However, he didn't feel that would really help him anymore then it would help Skallagrim. He decides instead to take one more half step and lean to his right, before quickly springing back on his right foot and stepping forward and to the left of Skallagrim(Skal's right), closing at least three feet between them with the sudden step. He however, suspected that Skallagrim would have no trouble following his attempted fake out and planned accordingly. As Scion is stepping forward with his left leg, he shifts the staff during its mad spin, shifting his left and right hand into and under and over grip respectively. As the staff enters a near vertical position, Scion archs its swing forward into down sweeping motion, using the circular momentum to add to the swings speed and power. The crucial part of his plan came as he committed to the swing, and instead of aiming for the current position of Skallagrim's right leg, he aimed where he believed Skallagrim would reflexively step to cut off his juking maneuver. He intended to catch the ankle and hook it on the staff's crystal. He would then spring off his left foot and twist his body to pull Skallagrim's leg out from under him. The move regardless of success would end with him back a his six foot distance where he would continue his spin. Dennis was still working on locking in the coordinates for his plan. He needed to stretch his perception to the edges of his reach, in order to get the universal position of one of the lower parts of the lighting cage circling the park. He normally wouldn't consider using such high voltage electricity on a normal person. However, Skallagrim wasn't a normal person. The skeletal man would not be affected in the same way as other people would be. His body wouldn't conduct the electricity, and it would pass over him with relatively no harm other than some scorching. If things went as intended, then the weapons and armor would suffer the most under the unexpected electrical storm. In the mean time, He would continue to dedicate most of his attention to Scion as subroutines finished gathering the rest of necessary data for the long range portals. He could see Scion intended to try to trip Skallagrim, but was wary of the sphere's circling Skallagrim, that Scion seemed to have ignored. They were giving off a strong magnetic field now, and he could see they now had the potential to mess with Scion's gear. Scion was also open to an easy counter with these spheres or even the dagger itself, if Skallagrim isn't thrown off enough by having his leg swept, and would need a quick counter. The relative arch of the Sphere's was consistent and predictable enough. Dennis decides to prepare several, easy coordinates, for small portals to spawn when the need to intercept Skallagrim's counter would inevitably arise.